lördag, september 27, 2008

In Christ alone..

Found a "video" with a song by Brian Litrell, one of the guys from Backstreet boys. (He's my favourite BSB guy buy the way).. He has some awesome christian songs.. here is one of my favourites..


fredag, september 26, 2008

weekend is here..

It's weekend :) yeaah!! and I'm so looking forward to it and enjoying the fact that I have some days of. It's amazing how 5 days of work can really make appriciate the days of!! I'm just gonna relax, do some laundry which I really need to, clean some and maybe hang out with friends. We talked about maybe going out for dinner. Would be nice!

Have had good days at work. I really like it at that daycare. The co-workers are really sweat and the kids too!! Today we had a really easygoing day with 5 kids!! We played circus, drawed, necklaces of beads and just had a good time. Awesome to get the time to really see and talk to the kids.

Gonna work next week too but the manager don't know how much yet.. will know on Monday sometime. And she still seem optimistic to let me have the subsitute post until x-mas. We'll see. And I think I want to too.. would be nice have something more regular, to know how much I will work and not have to worry and not knowing from week to week(or day to day)..

Now I'm gonna enjoy the evening in my sofa with some candy :)
have an awesome weekend!

onsdag, september 24, 2008


Hello everyone!! :)
I'm sitting here enjoying an evening at home. Have been some busy days, but awesome ones!! Right now I'm waiting for my friend Julia to show up. She's gonna spend the night because she's going to some jobinterviews pretty close to here tomorrow. Haven't seen her in a while so it will be nice to see her!! Gonna make waffles for supper.. yuum!

Have been working three days in a row now, it's fun & feels good but I'm soo tired.. hopefully some of the tiredness will go away when my body get used to working. On Monday I worked at my old job and yesterday & today I worked at a christian daycare that a congregation close to me has. It's less kids in the group so it's a little easier & calmer but some kids have lots of energi.. :) the bad thing about that daycare is that they have a small yard, so the bigger kids get bored easliy and runs all over the place. But it's outside so it's okay. I applied for a job at that daycare two weeks ago and that is how they got my name & called me and asked me to work extra while they go thorough the applications and stuff. They needed someone really badly & quick. And so far I enjoying working there and the manager said that if we feel that we get along, that it works out good, if I like it there and they think I will be suitable for the job she said she could maybe imagine hire me :) we'll see what happens after this week..

I still feel encouraged, joyful, happy & optimistic after the weekend and beginning of the week. The weekend of dance turend out good although I wasn't totally in the mood for it before but it was nice to get away, dance some, meet people that has a burning heart for God & worshipdance!! The service on Sunday morning that ended that weekend was awesome, just so great!! People danced, jumped, used baners, clapped hands and just worshiped God with all their heart and body!! Soo awesome!! :)

I was really tired on the way home and I was a terrible company for Jenny while she drove but I just couldn't force myself to be social. Needed time to relax.. and it was a well used time becuase while we were driving I started to get in the mood for praying and started to feel an expectation to attned the praying team in the service! And I don't regret I prayed during communion instead of just worshiping as I usually do. It was awesome to stand there and serve the people with prayer that wanted to be prayed for and to hear the songs in the background & see the congregation worship! It was just great :) It was an awesome service all over!!!

After mass it was indoorbandy, 1st time for this term. It was lots of fun but exhausting!! afterwards Maria, Sara, Alexandra and I were hungry so we went to "the golden arches" to eat.. and Scott, I didn't have ice-cream. Surprise huh?! :) it was nice just to sit and talk and hang..

After work on Monday it was time for praying group. It was the first time in our "new" groups after we split last week(we got so many new members this fall so we had to split into two-how awesome isn't that?!). So it was some new people to get to know and of course I miss the ones that are in the other one.. but it was an awesome evening with a really interesting discussion & and strong precence that gave joy & encourachment!!. I just feel that it will be an awesome fall for my praying group!! :)

Hmm.. could write lots more but I'm not gonna bore you so I stop here. Julia will be here any minute so I should go anyway..
take care!!

måndag, september 22, 2008

Awesome days..

I'm back at home in my sofa :) feels good after some busy days.. I'm tired but feeling great! feel recharged, uplifted, energetic. Have had really good days!!! I'm to tired to tell you eveything now but wanted to give you a short recap.. It has been days filled with dance, people, uplifting services with strong precense and joy, prayer, indoor-bandy, eating at Mc Donalds, working and a awesome, uplifting, sothing, jofyll evening with my prayinggroup!! :)

As you can tell it has been busy days but they have been just so great!!
No I need to go to bed because I have to get up and work tomorrow. Looking forward to it. It's nice and feels good to have somthing to do!! and in the evening I'm gonna work in church.. :) had made plans to meet with a friend but when I made those plans I had forgotten that I had promised to work in church, so I had to cancel the plans with my friends. But we'll take it next week instead.. looking forward to that, haven't seen her in a long time!!

well.. good night everybody..

fredag, september 19, 2008

Not ny might..

Not by might, not by power but my spirit says the Lord..
(Zech 4:6)

Just got remembered of that verse.. comforting and encouraching.. and so relieving..

Friday.. :)

heelluuu! :)
how are you all??
I have had good days since I last wrote. I still feel kind of lonely and empty but not as much as I did when I last wrote. I know it's just a process I have go through to be stronger and prepeared for what is comming. As many of the things I have gone through the past years. All of it has made me stronger and helped me grow, even though it was really painful when I was in it.

On Wednesday I helped a lady in church to do some errands. She has a broken foot and walks with crutches and therefore she can't drive and needed help with some things. She wanted to go to a hairdresser downtown Gothenburg so I drove her there. It was my first time driving downtown, it was really interesting and a experience, but it went really well! I'm proud of myself :) while she was at the hairdresser, which took some hours, I sat at a café reading & having coffee. Really nice just to sit there reading, looking at people and so.
When she was done she had to go to the groccerystore to pick up some things so I helped her with that. She was really happy and glad that I could help and appriciated it alot. And I had a good time too, it was awesome!
When we where done I had about 45 minutes to relax and get prepeared for worshipdancing! Which turned out to be awesome! It was a really good evening with dance and it gave strength! :) I'm excited and feel inspired to dance this fall..

Yesterday I went to the gym and did some workuot and then walked to church to talk Helen who is responsible for the prayingteam in my church. I've become a member of the prayingteam so we talked about "rules", etics and so. Really interesting & exciting! :) Looking forward to serve people with prayer during worship in mass! Then I just hung out reading, playing piano, talking with Maria & the others and so before it was time to shop & cook for "alpha". It was fun and nice even though I was pretty sleepy. Listened to the lecture before I did the dishes. It was awesome, A-P was inspiring and focused!! We are blessed which such good tuitors in my church. Just so blessed...

Today I'm just hanigng out at home so far. Gonna have breakfast soon and then I need to pick up some groccerys. And I still haven't bought a vaccum so maybe I should do that too today so I can clean properly :) otherwise I don't have any plans. We'll see what happens.

Tomorrow me and a friend are going to a city south of Gothenburg for a weekend of dance. A christian dance organisation has their annual meeting & weekend of inspiration. Will be fun to meet other dancers and get some new ideas and inspiration! :)

tisdag, september 16, 2008


Have had a good day. In the morning I was just home dancing, had moment of worship & prayer, unpacked my stuff from the camp and so. After lunch I took a walk and stopped in church to say hi. Got "stuck" there talking to my friend Maria and just hanging out for about 3,5 hours. It was awesome to just be and have company. And there was a reporter doing an artical about my church there..

Now I'm sitting here in my apartment feeling lonely.. don't know why. I have my family, my friends & church family that loves me and care & give me attention. And I like where I live, my apartment and so... So why do I feel lonely?? the feeling has grown stronger lately, which annoys me. Is it the longing for someone to share my life with and to have someone to cuddle and watch tv with?? or is that I don't have a clear goal with my life and I don't know what God want to use me for?? the frustration of not have caught your task/mission? or a combination maybe?? Usually some hours in church and hanging out with friends help and makes me feel good, but not today.. felt ok when I were there but after a short while at home the emptiness were back.. sigh..

Sara came back from the states today!! :) will be awesome to see her again!! haven't seen her since me drove me to the airport on June 19.th.. hopefully I'll get to see her this weekend!!
Maybe I should go to bed and read some before I go to sleep..


Camp, babysitting=busy weekend..

Heeloo.. I'm back :)
Had a great weekend! Had camp with my church so on Saturday morning my friend picked me up and we drove to camp. It was a good & fun camp! aweesome to get together like that and hang out, eat together, worship, have tution and so. This weekend we had focus on where we are as a church/congregation, where we want to go, what is our mission?, what do we want with the camps we have once a year? really important, interesting but hard questions.. especially the one about what we want with the camp next year made people think & talk, lots of opinions and ideas. Which is great! It was good to focus on those questions this weekend, but I would liked to have more tuition though..
We also had two services.. one on Saturday night and one on Sunday morning. Both were just awesome!! both A-P and Claes had focus and had inspiring & encouraching things to say. It was awesome!

After the service on Sunday I went to Hjälmared,Alingsås to babysit my nieces there. I was some hours early so I walked by the school's kitchen to say hi to some of my old colleagues that I knew was working. It was sooo great to see them!! just awesome!! Had lunch with them and talked for a while.. then I went down to the lake and sat on the dock/landingstage just to relax. It's so beutiful there! such peace on that place..
Then it was time to babysit. It was awesome to see my brother with family again!! The kids were glad to see me! I was so tired after little sleep the night before but the babysitting went just fine except that the little one(that soon turns one) were really tired and she didn't recoginze me so she was cranky & fuzzy. Dispite that she fell asleep without problems when I laied her down but she woke up en hour later and didn't want to go back to sleep :( so I had her with me when I put the others to bed, she sat on the floor playing while I sang to and prayed with Maja & Anna. Who are just sooo cute & just adorable.. they talked and talked about all kind of things.. :) they went to sleep without problem so I brought the little one upstairs and watched TV and eventually she fell alseep in my arms..

On Monday I just hung out talking to my brother some before I went back to Partille. In the afternoon I had an appointment to go to a daycare in a church nearby here and talk with the staff & say hi. So they got to see how I am. I have applied to a job there and now they needed a substitute to work while they wait to get someone on the post. They seemed pleased with me so next week I'm gonna work there :) awesome isn't it? looking forward to try to work at a christian daycare. Never done that.. interesting..

The praying group in the evening was good!! we're about 11-12 people even though 5 were missing!!! we have grown so much this fall so we are gonna split in two. So from next week we are seperated :( so sad, but needed. can't be 17 in a prayinggroup- it's hard to see everyone and everyone doesn't get their voice heard that easily when you're that many.

Seems like I wont work today :( noone has called yet so.. I guess I'll just have an easy day at home unpacking and so.. maybe I'll finally go and by a vaccum so I clean proparly :)
Have a great day and week!

fredag, september 12, 2008


yeeah, the weekend is here!! :) I'm so looking forward to it 'cause I'm going on a camp with my church/congregation =) they always have a weekendcamp in September to focus and start up the fall. Usually really nice weekends with fellowship and good tuition and strong precence... :) We'll be awesome to go away for 2 days and just hang out, have tuition and worship!!

Yesterday I was mostly home, as I have mostly been this week. Noone called and needed me to work so I danced some, took a walk which wasn't that good of a idea because my knee started to hurt again :( sigh.. well, it was a nice walk anyways and then I had lunch, watched some TV and then I went to church to print some things before it was time to start cook for alpha. Talked with some of the staff, read some in my book and then I finally got to mail my jobapplication!! Then it was time to make some taaacos :) Karin and I had fun cooking and Maria walked by now and then to try the food.. :) About 9 people came, plus the alpha leaders and a few more so we're about 2o people eating. We're all happy that all 9 signed up for alpha and will continue the whole fall. And a few more that wasn't there yesterday is gonna attend to. Awesome :)
When I came home I got stuck talking to people on msn and then Vera was online on facebook so I got to chat with her too.. sooo great! just awesome!! :)

Today I have taken a walk with one fo the new youthworkers in church who lives close to me and she's also in my praying group. It was nice to talk to her and get some company on my walk!! After that I have just been home packing for the weekend and so.. think I'm gonna text my friends and see if they wanna do something tonight..

Have a great weekend everyone. I'm sure I'll :)

onsdag, september 10, 2008


It has been a rainy and grey Wednesday here in the Gothenburg area :( Makes you kind of slow and sleepy. I'm tired but I don't know why.. maybe because I worked yesterday?? maybe it's because of the rain & greyness.. or maybe it's just one of those days.. who knows :)

The prayinggroup was nice!! awesome to see them and to pray and worship with them again!! Lots of new people so now we're to many to be one group so we have to split :( it's sad that we have to split, but of course a fun & plesaurable dilemma that we have grown!!

Yesterday I got to work with the kids at the daycare I worked last year!! :) it was awesome to see the kids and work, but exhausting ! At the division I worked at yesterday all the kids are under 4, so it's a handfull there, I tell ya. But it's so much fun :) got a ride home with my friend which was nice after a day of work..

Today turned out to be a good day despite the rain and greyness. In the morning I was just home watching tv, went to the groccery store and so. After lunch I had to get out and get some air so I took a walk to church to fix some things. Susanne was there so I talked some with her and then I sat down and read some news papers. Then Maria came back from doing arrends or something, so I talked with her and hung out while she had a snack and then the new socialworker in church came and a little later one of the priests, so we got stuck eating/having coffee longer then we thought because we're talking, but none of us complained :) I stayed in church for a few more hours and then it was time to go and help Karin shop the food for the alpha course that starts tomorrow. We are responsible for the cooking, we're gonna make tacos :) looking forward to it..

Well well.. Think I'm gonna watch some tv..

måndag, september 08, 2008


So, a new week is here.. the days passes by fast..

Had a very calm and relaxing weekend. On Saturday I mostly was at home, taking it easy, watching the morning show on tv, listening to the radio and so.. then I went to the gym and did some workout and after that I had some late lunch/early supper and the rest of the day was spent at home in front of the TV and at the computer talking to some people on msn.. realy relaxed and just nice..

Yesterday started out as calm as Saturday and then I went to Sams' goodbye party in the afternoon. Met lots of people from church and a classmate from my bibleclass I havn't seen in a long time. It's really nice!! but it's sad that Sam is leaving :(
Then most of us went to church. It was a good service! It was so good to be back and see everyone and worship with them again!! Some of my friends were responsible for the service and the coffee/tea & sandwishes afterwards so I stayed and talked with people and waited for them. When they were done and Maria could lock up and close the church and get of work(she's the janitor) she was hungry so we decided to go the "the golden arches" (certain fastfood rest) and get something & hang out. Me and some others were gonna have ice-cream (surprise huh Scott?:)) 'cause we're still pretty full but the ice-cream machine was out of order :( so we had milkshakes instead. Not what we wanted but it was ok and yummie anyways :) so we sat there chating for a while- just relaxed and had a good time..

Today I have just been at home relaxing, trying to get some things done. I wrote in my diary, listened to some music, practised some dance. Have decided to start the worshipdancegroup again so I need to go through some dances so I know them when we start next week. It was really awesome to dance again! =) Then I took a walk and now I just had a late lunch.. gonna try to make some phonecalls now and then get ready for the prayinggroup :) can't wait to see everyone!

Have a great one..

fredag, september 05, 2008

Friday.. :)

It's weekend.. yeeah :)
Have had a good day. Had to get around 7, which wasn't that fun, but anyways. Of course I was deep asleep when the alarmclock went of. Could have slept forever it felt like, which is strange because I got about 8 hours a sleep. Must be the jetlag.. One more wierd thing just come to me: usually I wake up between 4-6 in the morning and have to go the bathroom but I havn't been waking up since I got back to Sweden. Have slept until 8 or 9 without waking up during the night, unbeliavble but nice, I'm not the one to complain :) maybe I changed my sleeping habits, but I don't think so, probably just the jetlag..

Anyways. I had breakfast and went to town to go the hospital. It went smooth and fast. Faster then I expected actually so when I texted my friend she wasn't ready, so I sat down at a café, bought a coffee and read my book while I waited for her. It was nice to sit there and read and listen to the music they played. When she arrived we got a sandwish and coffee and just sat there talking about diffrent things for some hours.. really nice! It was awesome to see her!!

At noon she had to go so we said by and I started walking towards the bus to go back home. I walked via a christian bookstore and who do I meet there?? My friend Maria, that works in church :) She had been to the hairdresser and was on her way back to church and work, so I got a ride with her and we had lunch at Max(Swedens equivalence to Wendys) and had a interesting chat about sex and living together before marrige and stuff like that. Giving and interesting!
Then we had to go so Maria could contiune to work and I make some copies of my grades and recmendations to send with the jobapplications. When I was done I sat down and had a coffee and read some christian news papers and just relaxed for a while.. That's what I like so much about my church, that the church part, the staffs offices and the café is in the same house. Which means that the church is always open(if there's anyone there) and you can just hang out and read, play piano/guitarr, pray or just say hi and talk to the people if they are not busy or if nothing special is going on. It's just awesome!! And usually there's someone you know(except the staff) there so you hardly never hang out by yourself :)

Took a walk home and then I have just relaxed and taking it easy. Done some cleaning too- it was kind of dusty here. Right now I'm watching TV but my TV is giving up I think :( in the spring the sound was wierd. It just went up & down and was unstable. Now the picture is wierd. It's skipping and there's lines in it and sometimes the picture disapears totally and there's just a thin line in the middle of the screen. But it's about 15 years old so I guess it has lived it's life..

I don't think anything special is gong on tonight, and I don't mind. I'm fine with just sitting here watching TV and chilax :) I know some friends are at home but I don't feel the need to see them tonight. Of course I want to but the summer in the US without beeing able to see them teached me that I don't need to hang out with them several times a week, they are there anyways. Usually I would like to hang out almost every night/day with my friends but I don't need that now. I can really appriciate to be by myself now a days. I know they are still there and we'll see eachother soon. Kind of a nice feeling and insight. And because we're all involved in church and goes to mass every Sunday and on extra tuition nights we see eachother often anyways. And as you guys probably know- we usually hang out at least 1 night during the weekend too. It's kind of nice to rest in that and just take the other days as they come.. :) Not feel the need and presuare to see them almost everyday to feel loved and seen.. the summer in the US did me good in many ways. It's not until you leave you know what you have..

Well well.. think I'm gonna call my parents..
Have a great weekend!!

torsdag, september 04, 2008


Hey you all!! :)
I didn't meet with Linnea yesterday :( she had catched a bad cold and had to rest to be able to work today. So I spent the day at home, unpacking more stuff and getting the stuff from the basement storage that I put down there before I left to the US. I did some arrends too and I went to the gym in the evening! There I met a girl that also work extra at "my daycare" and we took the same class. It was really hard but fun, and it felt so good to do some exercise again :) but my knee hurts really bad, and it has been hurting some today too. Wonder what's up with it..
Today I did some more arrends. One didn't work as I planned.. sigh.. why do they have to charge extra for eveything?? but the guy was nice and told me how to it another way, so it should work now. Hope so at least..
Then I made some pasta bolognese for lunch, it came out good I think :) then I went to church to hang out and say hi to the people there. Met some of the staff right when I came- awesome to see them!! Then Linnea came by :) She had an appointment with one of the youth workers and came to hang out after work until the appointment. Which was awesome 'cause we finally got to see eachother & got to talk and have coffee :) it was just awesome!! Then another friend, Kristoffer, came too to hang out and he joined us for a while. Nice to see him!! Then my friend Maria(not the one I met on the daycare) came back from having had funerals and done some shopping for church. Awesome to see her again and this time having time to talk to her!! She and the rest of staff came by the youthcafé part, where Linnea, Kristoffer & I were sitting, now and then and to have coffee, snack or just to have a short break. It's awesome to see them all!! :)

Now I'm just haning out at home. Trying to write a jobapplication. It's kind of hard to present yourself in a good way, and to know how to write. But I think I'm done now. Just need a few changes depending on where I'll send it. And I need some recomendations from the places I have worked..

Tomorrow morning I'm going to a hospital in Gothenburg to get some blodtests done and then I'll meet with my friend Cecilia to have brunch or coffee, depending on when I'm done and when they stop serving brunch..

onsdag, september 03, 2008

Back in Sweden..

Hey you all.. I'm back in Sweden safe & sound!!! It's strange and surreal but soooo nice and good to be back!! The flight went smoothly and problemfree except that my flight from Paris to Gothenburg was 2 hours late :( I was so tired when I was waiting in Paris,I was sitting on the floor leaning against the wall at the gate having big problems keeping my eyes open. I had on the plane too, I think I only was awake for the lunch. My friend Karin picked me up and drove me home. I unpacked a little and watched some tv and then I fell asleep at 10.30pm without problem..

Yesterday I was gonna visit my sister-in-law and my nieces in Alingsås before I got a haircut but something came up for Sofia so it didn't work out. So I was home, looked through my mail and so instead. Then I went to my old job(the daycare) to say hi to my old co-workers & the kids. It was awesome, so good to see them!! The best part was when I was standing in the hallway outside the teachers/staffs launch talking to one of the ladies and all of a sudden my friend/ex-co-worker Maria came running out of the teachers launch and threw herself in my arms and gave me a big hug!! soo nice!! have missed her, so it was really awesome to see her!!! we hugged for a long time and just were happy. Then I was sitting in the sofa in the teacherslaunch takling to her & some of the others when they were on break and had coffee.. really nice!! I ate lunch with Maria and the kids at her table beofore I left..

Then I had to go Alingsås and get a haircut. So good to see my beloved Alingsås again :) Then Maria and me met at the mall here in Partille to walk around and look in the shops and have coffee. Then I had boardmeeting in church. So nice to see the other boardmemebers again!! and I also got to see my friend Maria(not the one I saw earler in the day) real quick before the meeting started.. so nice to see her, but we didn't get to talk though :(

When I came home I sat in front of the TV for a while and then went to bed at 11.30pm but I couldn't fall asleep until after 1 :( sigh.. probably the jetlag effecting me.. I slept until 9 this morning and now I'm having coffee and try to wake up.. The sun is shining outside today. Nice!! I'm mostly gonna relax and continue fixing with stuff in my apartment. Maybe I'll meet with my friend Linnea too.. :)

It was a busy but really good & fun first day back in Sweden.. :)