måndag, april 09, 2007


Jesus is risen, he lives!! rejoice and sing praise! =)
have had a really nice easter!! On Saturday I went to my friend to help her prepar the dinner. We had a really nice afternoon together with talk, rest, teabreak and so! then in the evening the others came and we had roast lamb, veggies and root vegtables.. yummie!!! we're about 10 people, had a really nice and fun time!! pearpie for dessert :) after that we all went to church for the midnightmass..it was good but not as happy and rejoiceful as I thought it would be.. it was dull and never "woke up".. but Christ is risen anyway :)

had a really soft and calm Sunday, were just home reading and watching tv and took a nap. Then I went to church a little early, didn't wanna sit home anymore.. talked with the people that was there and helped prepar for the service. Got to read one of the texts and attend in a short drama in the service :) it's a really good, happy, rejoiceful mass. Celebration!! =)
after church and the churchcoffee some friends of mine and I went to a friends house and had chocolatecake and chips and talked and watched some tv. Nice & soft!!

Today I need to start studying.. have an exam on Saturday :( don't wanna, but need to.. so now you know what I'll do this week ;) please pray if you want..
well, gotta get some breakfast and get started with the studying..
take care!

1 kommentar:

Emi sa...

Verkar som att du också haft en bra påsk! =) Jag blev lagom ställd över snön igår alltså! Men den töar bort, sakta men säkert, idag...