torsdag, maj 24, 2007


have studied a lot this week.. started to write on my little "essay", and I mean little.. it's just 5 pages and 1,5 space between the lines/rowes so it's not that much.. and a pretty interesting topic.. good & constructive leadership. We are supposed to give 3 examples.. I have written about Jesus and Moses and now I'm thinking about what third person I'm gonna take.. maybe Bill Hybels, the leader for Willow Creek- the big church in Chicago.. or maybe INgvar Kamprad, IKEA´s founder.. well we'll see..

the worshipdance on Tuesday was fun!! have been so tired of it lately but this time it was fun and gave strength again.. as it used to do.. :) afterwards I planned a conference with some others.. went okay,we got some good ideas.. it's not until the end of February so we got some time :)

My mum, sister her baby- my beloved niece, is comming on Sunday.. can't wait :) they will stay at my brother's and babysit for my nieces there.. but I'll be able to see them, gonna visit on Monday I think.... and my sister & I are going shopping at Ullared some day too.. looking forward to that :)

oh, I have changed some "things" here at the blog so now everyone can write comments.. not only the members.. so Jonna and others that are not members here.. it's just to write when you're "passing by"..

today I'm going to church to plan a service with one of the preiests and the cantor.. and then I think I'll hang out and study some and in the evening there's a seminar for us leaders.. they have that now and then to educate and encourage us.. looking forward to it!!

well.. take care and have a good weekend!!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Hej hopp! Var in här när du skrev ditt första inlägg men sen glömde jag bort adressen. Men nu har jag hittat tillbaka! Mysig liten sida :) Skoj att du ska få besök! Jag får vänta tills nästa helg innan jag får träffa dem. :) Hoppas allt är bra! Kram