onsdag, juni 13, 2007

Middle of the week

Sitting here with a cup of coffee & ice-cream watching Friends.. can it be better?? ;) took the bike to the store earlier today. It's windy and a little cooler today, but I don't mind though. It's nice that it cooled of.. kind of tired today so I have been home after the bikeride..

On Monday evening we had the last prayinggruoup for this term.. we went to a lake(Delsjön for you that know Gothenburg) and we took a bathe and barbequed.. soft and nice. Sad though that we won't see eachother until August. Some of the people brought their girl-/boyfriends. They are really nice and it's nice to see them, but it's our prayinggroup and when they bring other people we can't talk deaply as we usually do and we can't continue where we're last time. Talked with one of the leaders about it and she understood. She had thought about it too. Will miss them all..

Yesterday I took it easy in the morning, put away some papers and so.. then I took the bike to church.. oh man, I hate that hill up to church.. you're all sweaty when you get there :/ Hung out for some hours- talked with Maria, watered the lawn for her, had ice-cream with her & Josefin.. really nice!! Then I took the bike to the lake and took a bath.. really nice to cool of! Then then board of directors in church had their monthly meeting. I'm a substitute so I went to the meeting too.. it was giving & interesting.. ate strawberrys & ice-cream.. yuuum!! don't think there's anything better to eat :) it was a nice day. I like haning out in church :)

well.. I'll continue relaxing.. maybe take a walk later..
Take care!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Hej! Du verkar vara ett litet vattendjur ;-) Jag har inte badat en enda gång än... fy skam ju! Och ja, jordgubbar och glass slår det mesta!