onsdag, februari 06, 2008

FInaly an update..

Hi friends!!
sorry that I kept you waiting for so long.. this past weeks has been busy as usual, I have been working and I have been planning a conference I'm responsible for with some others and I have been with friends.. I just love hanging out with my buddies.. they just crack me up :) I met a friend some weeks ago that I havn't seen in years. It was awesome!! we had such a good time!! it was like we saw it eachother reasently.. :)

My last apointment with Johan and the one with Hans really made me realize things and I could let go of things and move on. Some things fell into the righgt place. Soo nice!! :) and I got some strong pictures and encouragement from God some weeks ago which help alot to see things in a different perspective!!

But dispite all the good things that has happend theese past 1,5 weeks have been kind of ruff. I have been so tired and kind of low, and I have had a cold :( I have just been kept on moving by will. And the mercy of God of course. Don't know why but it has just been a hard time, something is nagging me but I don't know what. Guess I'll find out when I'm ready for it.As usual. never peace, never rest..

I'm soooo sick of the rain.. sigh.. it's just raining and raining here in Gothenburg. Imagine if we have gotten the rain in snow.. woow.. :) really wanna get away to some some warm and sunny place.. *dreaming*

This past weekend there was a ecumenical weekend in my parish. On Friday night there were stand up and a worshipmass in my church, Me and some friends went. It was awesome!! we had such a good time. We laughed, giggled and just fooled around some. We were worse then teena-gers sometimes :) I post two pics from that night.. one on me and my friend and one of me..
have a good week!!

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