torsdag, maj 10, 2007


sooo tired.. puuh... I'm just sitting here watching tv, Dr Phil right now..
the service this past Sunday was good- some things really spoke.. why is it so hard to let go of the control? to just let Him lead and rest in His love totally? why do I need so much attention and love from the ones around me? why am I "addicted" to that??
the floorball/indoorbandy was fun, but exhasuting.. we were 7 so we had to run alot but we had fun :)

tuesday I worked at a daycare- so fun!! the kids are just adorable. Have worked alot there and I like that place.. studied yesterday,wrote on the essay with the others I'm writing with.. we got some more done but we talked about lot more stuff too.. soo fun! wealways have a good time when we study!

worked in church today with the "adult-child" group. Which means that parents come with their kids and play and so, and then we sing and and then eat.. it´s fun,but I got tired in the end.. had a interesting talk with a mum though.. cool to hear her story..
then there was a "at noon service" when I got of from work.. we were about 12 people that attended.. the service was really nice and comforting.. Johan's sermon/tuition was encouraching and joyful. Ended it with a prayer moment where we prayed for eachother, one at a time.. really nice!! gave strength.. always so cool to pray for others! Afterwards when we had coffee we all had a really interesting talk about men(manhood), women and their rolls, parts.. how that affect society and the children and so..

will have a really soft weekend.. just relax.. and see eurovision song contest of course. gonna invite some friends over!!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Hello Sunshine:-)
I got your letter, received it the day before yesterday...but answering will take some time, I've got learn...just to let you know:-)
But I hope I'll find the time to answer it soon...