måndag, december 29, 2008

sista kvällen..

sista kvällen hemma i Delsbo för denna gång.. hade gärna vart kvar i vintern men ska bli skönt att komma hem till lghten & vännerna där nere oxå.

Har haft bra dagar.. tagit promenader, åkt lite pulka, myst med syskonbarnen, sett tv & så. Vi har haft sjukstuga här senare veckan, den ena efter den andra har haft feber & vart häning. Blir väl så när man samlas många.. men nu börjar det nog ordna upp sig för de sjuka..

Igår åkte Erik, Sofia & barnen hem. Per & Sofia åkte oxå, men för att åka ner till Laholm & fixa med husköpet & få nycklar. De lämnade pojkarna så mamma & pappa och jag har myst & lekt med dem.. sååå söta va!! :) blev ganska tyst & lugnt när alla for, skönt men lite tomt..

igår fm kom kusin Katarina & sa hej :) vi pratade & fikade medan vi såg längdskidor på tv:n. Söndags & helgstämning!! när pojkarna vaknade efter lunch åkte mams, paps & jag till syrran där vi fikade & åt mat,. Fint radhus de köpt!! Harry facinerades toatlt av Malvas lekdammsugare :)

idag var jag till Ljusdal & hälsade på en kompis.. riktigt trevligt! underbart skoj att se henne!! Efter middagen kom faster Gunvor & kusin Kristina med sonen Oscar på besök.. skoj att se dem! pojkarna charmade dem totalt!!

ni har mamma & jag precis lagt Hilma & Elsa som ville sova över.. så det är fyra barn som sover här nu.. livat värre i morgon bitti :) måste packa senare ikväll, eller så gör jag det i morgon bitti, får se.. ska iaf se OSkrönikan med mamma nu..

torsdag, december 25, 2008

God Fortsättning..

God jul & God fortsättning! så var det Juldag.. Julmaten är äten, julklappar öppnade & massa gott julgodis har ätits..

Har det bra hemma hos mamma & pappa. Här har vi några decimeter snö, solsken & minusgrader. Helt underbart väder!!! :) Barnen åker skidor, pulka, skoter, leker & har sig. Själv har jag tagit promenader & njutit av det underbara vintervädret!! Åkt lite matta & snowrazer med barnen har jag oxå..

Fullt hus är det här med nästan alla mina syskon med familjer hemma, kul men intensivt.. puh.. Efter gudstj igår fikade vi hos brorsan, sedan var det Kalle & julbord inne hos oss innan tomten kom förbi. Idag har var mest bara njutit av lugnet & solen. Några är ute & åker skidor & fikar, några är hemma kurerar sig från feber & snuva, några har vart på promenad.. och snart vankas juldagsmiddag. Blir kött, ris & sås verkar det som..

hoppas ni alla har det bra!!

lördag, december 20, 2008


Sitter här & vaknar till & njuter av lördagen. Druckit morgonkaffet & tvättar. Ska senare idag ta tag i julstädningen & kanske börja packa inför hemresan på måndag. Ser fram emot att komma hem, men det kommer bli så intensivt.. men skoj!!

Fick sms igår kväll av mamma att morfars dödsannons ligger ute på ÖA's hemsida så nu har jag kollat in den. Väldigt vackert skrivit, både minnesrunan & annonsen. Overkligt att se morfars namn där, i en sådan annons. Blev så verkligt & konkret att morfar inte finns mer :( men han var ju gammal & det är skönt att han slapp ligga länge & bli ett kolli/vårdpaket. Han hade inte gillat det. Stursk, enveten & självständig som han var.. :)

Veckan har rullat på i rasande takt. Jobbat heltid tisd-fred. Vart kul & gått bra men är sååå trött nu. Suck. I torsdags deckade jag kl 21, & då hade jag halvsovit lite i soffan en stund oxå. Orkade inte ens byta kanal på tv:n när det blev reklam. Och då är jag trött kan jag lova!! Men fick iaf jobba rätt vecka då de träffade tomten & hade julbord & dans kring granen denna vecka. Barnen uppskattade det verkligen!!

Igår efter jobbet drog Sara & jag iväg med en kompis, som efter mycket kamp tagit sin fritidsledarexamen, och åt mat på en tairestaurang inne i Gbg. Han uppskattade det & blev jätteglad!! Riktigt trevligt hade vi! Sedan skulle han på ungdomscafeet i kyrkan. Sara & jag fastnade där oxå. De hade pepparkakshustävling & sedan firade ledarna & alla ungdomarna honom (vår kompis) med glass, Singstar & så. Grymt skoj! Kidsen va riktigt på g & va grymma på singstar.

och som sagt, nu sitter jag här & slappar. Börjar bli dags för frukost..
Ha en bra helg. Nästa gång jag skriver är jag förmodl hemma i mitt beloved Delsbo :)
puss på er

måndag, december 15, 2008

Måndag, ny vecka..

Sitter här i soffan, ser tv & dricker kaffe. Lugnt & slappt. Uträttat en del ärenden & fått saker gjorda idag. Skickat iväg några mejl som behövde komma iväg, skrivit lite julkort, pratat med syrran om julklappar- hon handlar några & jag några. Gick sedan ner till allum & handlade de julklappar jag skulle. Inte så mycket folk idag, skönt! Har nog handlat klart julklapparna, så nu slipper jag trängas med alla andra framemot helgen. Då är det packat med folk så då vill man helst slippa gå ner. Oh, kom på att jag har en liten grej kvar att köpa till minstingen i usa innan jag kan skicka iväg det paketet. Är sent ute i år med att få iväg deras paket. Inte likt mig, men men- bättre sent än aldrig säg det ju :)

Har sedan suttit hemma och slagit in julklapprna, lyssnat lite på julmusik & så.. skönt. En ganska bra dag idag.. Började den i o för sig på det sätt jag vet jag borde börja alla dagar, vilket inte alls skett i höst. Märks tydligt på dagshumör & nivån på frid när jag gör det.. varför ska det va så svårt?? suck.. jaja..tur Han är nära ändå..

Hemma har de nästan en halvmeter snö. Sååå avis. Vill oxå ha!! här är det typiskt grått Göteborgsväder.. suck. Hoppas snön ligger kvar när jag kommer hem om en vecka.

Helgen var bra. Lördagen började slappt hemma och sedan en sväng ner till torget för att kolla på det levande julspelet/julkrubban. Väldigt fint & bra! första gången jag såg en levande kamel. Senade på eftermiddagen åkte jag iväg på kalas/öppet hus, en i församlingen fyllde 60. Mycket folk men väldigt trevligt. Blev kvar hela kvällen. Igår slappade jag hemma tills det var dags att åka till kyrkan. Barnen hade julmusikal. Grymt duktiga! jag är imponerad!! jag & alexandra bangade innebandyn för vi är både snuviga. Men köpte med oss smörgåstårta som vi åt medan vi kollade när de andra spelade :)

I kväll vankas julavslutning med hemgruppen så jag ska nog göra mig klar inför den..

fredag, december 12, 2008


Blivit förkyld igen :( suck, ska det någonsin ta slut?? trodde förkylningen jag gått med i snart 2 mån skulle släppa när jag åt penicillin för halsflusset men icke då. Förkylningen blommade sitället upp igen när jag hade 1 dag kvar av pencillinkuren.. suuuck!

Haft ok dagar. Jobbat lite, slappat hemma en del & så var jag & Alexandra och bubblade bubbelpool en kväll. Såå skönt att bara sitta i värmen & njuta.. Lucia kom på besök oxå :) Igår fm bakade jag pepparkakor & lyssnade på julmusik!! sedan köpte jag & Sara med oss pizza och åkte upp till kyrkan där vi åt lunch med Maria och sedan blev kvar i flera timmar & bara hängde & pratade med Maria, teamarna och andra. LIte nytta gjorde vi oxå; hjälpte Maria, Josefin & Annette att fixa & göra klart scenen de håll på att bygga inför julspelet som ska vara på söndag i gudstj. Mycket skratt, flams & skoj. På kvällen hjälpte temarna & jag Karin L med alfamaten. Julbord :) mycket gott & mysigt. Tända ljus, sjöng några julsånger & så..

Idag ska jag klippa mig. Ska bli skönt att bli lite ompysslad. Så skönt när folk håller på med håret.. men först ska jag äta frukost & bara slappa..
Ha en bra luciahelg!!

tisdag, december 09, 2008

snart student..

kom in på lärarprogrammet i Göteborg. Så i mitten av januari börjar jag studera till förskollärare :) känns bra!!

Sitter just nu och dricker honumgsvatten, lite ont i halsen.. igen, suuuck. Skönt med en kväll hemma. Suttit barnvakt i Alingsås idag. vart mysigt och lugnt. Fick lite tid att vila & läsa i boken jag håller på med när Märta sov. Skönt! Åt mat med Sofia & barnen när Sofia kommit hem och sedan åkte jag tillbaka och sitter nu som sagt här framför tv:n. I morgon ska jag jobba hela dagen på dagis..

Helgen var bra. Fred kväll hade Sara, Alexandra & jag tjejkväll. Var på gospelmässa, fikade på café & sedan hamnade vi hos Sara med godis Riktigt nice var väl efter 1 när vi åkte därifrån!! På lördagen jobbade i köket på Hjälmared under julkmarknaden. Grymt kul!! var inte alls laddad för det men det blev bra & skoj! Hamnade efteråt hos bror med familj på tacos. Var sååå trött men det var en slapp & skön kväll i familjens gemenskap..

Nu ska jag slappa lite i soffan innan det är sovadags.. ha det gott!!
puss på er

lära känna..

Humör just nu: trött.. men glad.. kom in på förskollärarprogrammet

Favoritgodis: Choklad, lösgodis..

Kläder just nu: pyjamasbyxor och linne..

Musik just nu: inge, ser tv...

Sommarplaner: jobba lite antar jag, en sväng till Delsbo, och sedan en roadtrip i usa eller resa till Kroatien förhoppningsvis..

Saft eller alkohol: svårt, dricker både vääääldigt sällan.. men tycker om båda om dt e rätt smak..

Hur många kuddar sover du med: 2..

Favoritväder: sol & varmt på sommaren, snö & kallt på vintern..

Morgon- eller nattmänniska: morgonmänska

Sparare eller slösare: mer slösa tyvärr men försöker va ekonimisk..

Kommer du ihåg din första kärlek: ja..

Tror du på mirakel: yees!

Hur många barn vill du ha när du blir stor: vet inte.. några stycken..

Bio eller promenad: beror på.. tycker om båda..

Stjärntecken? Tvilling

Rädd för insekter? inte speciellt.. är man uppvuxen på landet på bondgård så :)

Största svaghet: för snäll ibland.. svårt att ta plats & säga vad jag tycker ibland..

Det här är jag bra på: ställa upp & hjälpa, se andra, lyssna, ha hand om barn..

Chips, morötter eller godis? tycker om alla 3 men inte tillsammans :) mer godis än chips..

Pizza eller hamburgare? beror på.. like them both..

Skriver du dagbok? yes..

Tänker du någonsin tatuera eller pierca dig? kanske.. ;)

Stökigt eller välstädat? välstädat.. jag är ordningen själv..

Är du rädd för blod? nej..

Saltar du på maten? när jag lagar den ja.. men har nog aldrig gjort det på redan lagad mat på t.ex restaurang eller hos någon annan..

Gillar du att sjunga? jaaaa!! hellre mycket än bra dock..

Anser du att du är stark? jo vars.. sådär..

Brukar du sola? på sommaren ja.. och så brukar det bli några ggr i solarium/vinter..

Vad gör du om du får hicka? hickar.. o väntar på att det går över..

Kaffe, te eller inget? kaffe!!!!

fredag, december 05, 2008

Our God is an awesome God..

Gud är god, Gud är cool, Gud är kärlek, Gud är förunderlig, Gud är fantastisk.. just awesome!!

Var på en "gudstjänst" i grannförsamlingen igår kväll. Inte vilken "gudstjänst" som helst, utan en helt fokuserad på helande. Först undervisning om helande och sedan praktiskt genom bön under lovsången. Gud var där, Gud verkade, Gud berörde, Gud helade. Bl.a så blev en kvinnas knä helat, en annan kvinna fick sin fot helad, flera hade olika långa ben och det kortare av dem växte ut så benen blev jämnlånga,. sooo amazing! el fantastico!! grymt häftigt att se! Så uppmuntrande!! Man kan inte bara annat än tacka och förundras. Fantastisk kväll!!! Det höll på på i drygt 3 timmar men det kändes inte alls så långt.

Efteråt blev det vääälidgt sen kvällsmat på Mc Donalds med 7 andra, bl.a pastorn som hade predikat & lett bönen i gudstj. Riktigt intressant att höra mer och kunna ställa frågor! Har har en hel del mäktiga vittnesbörd från sina resor i bl.a Rumänien & Finland.

Idag blir det en lugn hemma, en tur ner på allum senare kanske. Ikväll blir det nog en tur in till stad med några vänner..

onsdag, december 03, 2008

Feeling better..

Onsdag. Tredje dagen hemma. Börjar bli lite trist och långtråkigt, men jag mår mycket bättre, och enligt läkaren får jag jobba fr.o.m i morgon :) e tydligen inte smittsam nu när jag tagit penicillin i snart tre dagar, så nu vågar jag mig ut bland folk igen :) om jag inte får tillbaka febern då, men det tror jag inte jag får. Halsen har blivit lite värre men febern är iaf borta..

Har fått säga nej till 2 dagars jobb :( dels i måndags då, men de ringde även igår om idag.. suck. Ville ju jobba men får inte, bara hoppas de ringer i slutet av veckan och nästa vecka!!

Känner mig utvilad, men inte så konstigt kanske efter all sömn jag fått. Inte sovit så här mycket på länge. I måndags sov jag mycket i soffan framför tv:n och sedan 11 tim på natten. I går låg jag i soffan nästan hela dagen och såg tv, sov lite bara, och sedan sov jag 10 timmar i natt, not bad huh? :) men man behöver väl mycket sömn & vila för att kroppen ska återhämta sig & infektionen läkas ut. vart skönt iaf!!

ska nog ta och byta lakan och städa av lite här hemma nu, så det blir lite fräscht efter man vart hemma & vart sjuk. Alltid skönt. Ska tvätta i em så det är lika bra att få det gjort.. :)
Ha en fortsatt bra vecka!!

måndag, december 01, 2008


Börja känna av halsen i går kväll på väg till innebandyn så jag spelade inte utan tittade på. Men bastade efteråt med de andra. Skulle nog inte gjort det. Småfrusit i natt och haft fortsatt ont i halsen men tänkte inte så mycket på det och i morse ringde de från dagiset och ville ha mig att jobba :)
men när jag klev upp och skulle göra mig i ordning såg jag att jag var svullen i halsen så det var bara att ringa och säga nej och sedan ringa vårdcentralen när de öppnade. Började frysa och mådde allmänt kasst medan jag väntade på att de öppnade. Tog tempen och mycket riktigt- låg feber och en halvtimme senare hade den ökat lite.. suck.. Bara att ta alvedon och knata iväg till läkaren. Han såg på en gång att det va streptokocker/halsfluss och jag fick penicilin och ska äta en ganska stark kur. 3 tabl/dag i 10 dagar. Kraftig/elak halsfluss sa han.. smittsam första dagarna så jag kan inte gå på hemgruppen ikväll :( snyft.. men men, får njuta av att bara ligga i soffan och inte kunna ha dåligt samvete för att jag gör det :)

ser just nu top model, blir nog Oprah & Rachel Ray sedan.. spännande va?! ;)
köpt hem lite frukt och godis iallafall.. lite kul får man ju ha :)
dags att vila/sova..

söndag, november 30, 2008

Glad advent

"Bered en väg för Herren.. "
"Hosianna Davidsson, välsignad vare Han, välsignad Davids son som kommer i Herrens namn.."

ja så var det advent igen, vad tiden går!! Sitter framför tv:n med tänt ljus i adventstaken och myser. Lugnt och slappt och skönt. Adventsfriden/glädjen börjar infinna sig efter några hektiska dagar.

Torsdagens flyttstäd hos en i församlingen gick bra. Vi hade kul och det gick relativt fort och lätt. Underbart gott att få hjälpa någon annan och underlätta för dem sådär! På kvällen var det "sök Guds ansikte" i kyrkan, d.v.s undervisning och lovsång. Grymt bra och härlig kväll! Claes var i sitt essä, lovsångsmusikerna oxå. Hände mycket.. både i/genom lovsången och genom bönen..

I fredags fm städade jag på mitt gamla jobb, riktigt kul faktiskt!! På em var jag och Sara ute & tittade runt på olika ställen. Åt sen lunch, strosade på allum lite , gick på ljuständningen som församlingen har varje fred på allum nu i advent. På kvällen var vi som planerade förra Livsväg (en konferens i min kyrka) ute & åt. God mat och trevligt. Inte alltför ofta man är ute & äter på restautant men ibland får man unna sig :) vi alla fick en liten bok av han som var huvudchef för konferensen. Jättefin & tänkvärd bok. Talade rakt in i mitt liv..

I går var jag hemma och adventspyntade och så innan min komips kom & hämtade mig och vi åkte till några kompisar som flyttat ihop i en ny lght. Inte sett dem på ett tag så det var riktigt nice att träffa dem! Åt god soppa, spelade wii, pratade, drack glögg & åt pepparkakor, lussebullar & lite annat. Första glöggen för denna julsäsong.. gott!

Idag är jag hemma och slappar, är trött & tung i huvudet (som vanligt nu för tiden). Ska nog ta mig ut & gå en sväng innan lunch och sedan är det kyrkan.. ser fram emot det!! Sjunga adventssånger & se mina vänner.

Gott nytt kyrkoår på er!!

onsdag, november 26, 2008

Välsignad kväll..

Jobbat idag- kul men fullt ös.. 18 barn, varav ca 5 som e runt 2.. full rulle :) Efter jobbet träffade jag på Susanne och följde me henne hem en stund efter vi hämtat två av barnen på dagis/skola.. skönt att bara sitta i köket, fika, prata, ha några runt omkring sig, bygga lite pussel o så... sedan gick jag till kyrkan för att dansa. Var verkligen inte laddad, hade helst velat åla hem och slappa men som ledare & ansvarig för dansgruppen kunde jag inte göra så. Han prata lite me Maria innan dansen började, skoj att se henne o tjöta lite.. sedan dags för dans, som blev väldigt givande o välsignad. Blev en bra kväll som gav kraft o energi och vi fick lite klarhet i vissa saker..

"inte genom styrka, inte genom kraft men genom min Ande ska det ske, säger Herren"

inte första gången jag upplever Guds verkan som starkast när jag är som svagast... det är ofta så.. och det är ju bibliskt..

tisdag, november 25, 2008

Tisdag.. trött..

Återigen gått några dagar, eller en nästan vecka, sedan sist. Vart bra dagar men som den senaste 1,5 månaden har jag vart trött och haft ont i huvudet., suck. Det går bra när man gör nå't & är igång men när jag är hemma är jag helt deckad och ligger framför tv:n bara...

Helgen var ganska lugn. Fred kväll strosade jag och Sara lite på Allum & se'n tog vi en sväng i bilen och kollade på stora hus i Öjersjö innan hon skulle åka och jobba natt. Resten av kvällen tillbringades framför tv.n... Lördag uträttade jag lite ärenden, bl.a köpte jag en dammsugare!! :) äntligen! Susanne skjutsade och hjälpte mig, så snällt av henne!! På kvällen var det fest i kyrkan :) arbetslaget hade ordnat för församlingen. De hade dukat fint i kyrksalen och ordnat & grejat. Riktigt trevlig och kul kväll med god mat, bra musikunderhållning av Rebecka med team..

Söndag var mest slapp och se'n kyrkan som vanligt. Bra gudstjänt.. riktigt go lovsång!! helt fantiastiskt! sedan drog några hem till sara och åt kladdkaka med grädde o godis :) muuums! Vi fastnade i en bok som heter "stora flirtboken". Riktigt spännande o kul!! Tjejer, jag säger bara: se upp om killarna börjar fixa till/dra upp sina strumpor i er närhet :)

igår storstädade jag inför advent!! Min dammsugare funkar superbra. Jag e såå nöjd ;) sedan körde jag ett styrkepass på gymmet. På kvällen var jag in till stan och fikade med en kompis. Underbart nice och givande samtal... underbar människa.

Idag har jag suttit barnvakt i Alingsås.Fick med mig Alexandra som sällskap :) Haft det mysigt med barnen men Märta var trött så henne fick man underhålla och ge mat/dricka för att hon skulle hålla sig pigg & glad. Vi åkte pulka & var nere vid sjön, spela´de spel, åt våfflor o så. Härlig eftermiddag..

Sitter nu i tvsoffan och vilar.. ska jobba i morgon :)

onsdag, november 19, 2008

en vecka gått igen..

Min kompis Julia hade med detta på sin blogg så jag "snodde" det och använder den i min oxå :)

Troll eller Vampyrer - Troll
TV eller Bio - både.. men blir mest TV.. biobesök sker alldeles för sällan..
Astrid Lindgren eller Stephen King - Astrid Lindgren
Skräckfilm eller Komedi - Komedi
Sommar eller Vinter - både och.. om det e riktig vinter med snö vill säga..
Hav eller Insjö - Insjö
Mitt fullständiga namn: Maria Kristina Persson
Familj: Mamma & pappa hemma i Delsbo, 4 bröder+en syster med familjer som är spridda över Sveriges avlånga land..
Bor: Partille sedan 1 år.. innan dess Jonsered 8 mån och dess förinnan Alingsås flera år..
Uppvuxen: I Delsbo i de mörka Hälsingeskogarna :)
Utbildning: Grundskola hemma i Delsbo, samhällsvetenskapliga programmet med IT inriktning på Ljusdals gymnasium, 2 år på folkhögskola i Alingsås(allmän 3 och bibellinje), 90 poäng psykologi på Gbg univ, 10 p etik & ledarskap-distans från gävles högskola
Okänd talang: hmm.. har nog ingen.. vad jag kommer på nu..

Det var lite info om mig. Som ni märkt skriver jag på svenska, kommer nog göra det hädanefter. Tröttnat lite på att skriva på engelska- får mejla de i USA och Hellen med uppdateringar i stället.

Vart en bra men fulltecknad vecka. Vart trött och lite less samtidgt som jag haft det bra. På torsdagen hälsade pappa & mamma på. Vi tog en promenad, fikade på Allum, åt lunch, fixade lite i min lght och så. Riktigt nice!! Sedan lagade jag mat med Karin på alfa i kyrkan på kvällen. Det var kul & gick bra!

Fred fm åkte jag till Jönköping för att hälsa på Magdalena. Grymt nice att träffa henne! Vi åt lunch o drack kaffe på stan, sedan var vi mestadels hemma och pratade och tog det lugnt. Pannkakor till middag.. yuuuum! var inte igår jag åt pannkakor kan jag lova.
På lörd em-kväll skulle Magda på möhippa så jag åkte för att hälsa på bekanta til min familj som också bor i Jkpg. Inte sett dem sedan de flyttade från Delsbo för typ 11 år sedan tror jag. Så roligt att träffa dem! de är sig lika men barnen har såklart blivit stora. Tiden går fort..

Efter lite drygt ett dygn i Jkpg var jag trött och ville bara hem sova i min säng och va själv men kom iväg sent från Jkpg och skulle va i Alingsås på söndag morgon så jag hoppade av i Alingsås och sov hos brorsan, där pappa o mamma var barnvakt. Kul att träffa dem lite mer..

Söndagen var bra. Undervisning och inspiration för oss som är med i EFS styrelserna i EFS föreningarna i västsverige. Kul och givande men var helt slut när det var klar och ville egentligen bara hem och va själv, men blev kvar på Hjälmared för jag skulle va barnvakt på måndag åt Märta. Satte mig framför tvn en stund & halvsov och umgicks sedan mer med mamma & pappa, barnen och bror med fru som kommit hem efter sin helg på tu man hand. Mamma hade gjort fruktsallad. Muums :)

Barnvaktandet på måndagen gick bra. Jag och Märta myste och hade det gott. Jag passade på att säga hej till mina gamla kollegor i köket och gamla lärare medan Märta sov. Underbart kul att se dem igen, spec Marina! Brorsan kom hem tidigare än tänkt så jag han med ett tidigare tåg så efter att ha vilat på tåget strosade jag sedan en stund på stan i Gbg innan jag drog till bönegruppen. Blev en underbar och skön kväll, vad jag behövde! Det lönar sig att åka dit även om man är trött :)

Igår jobbade jag, grymt kul faktiskt, och sedan blev det slappa i soffan hela kvällen. Som jag längtat!!! Idag var jag hemma och slappade på fm och sedan tog jag & Sara en promenad med stavar upp till kyrkan där vi mötte upp med Alexandra & åt lunch på caféet. Maria joinade oss också. Grymt nice!! kul att se dem!! Var helt slut när jag kom hem, har inte blitt av med förkylningen och har ont i halsen igen, suck :( och det känns när man vart ute & gått i raskt tempo när man är snuvig kan jag lova så även denna kväll har också tillbringats i soffan. Är såå trött, undrar om det beror på snuvan? Soppa till kvällsmatt. Honungsvatten nu för en stund sedan. välgörande för halsen!

Nu väntar snart Grey's :)
over and out..

onsdag, november 12, 2008

quiz on facebook

sitting here enjoying the evening. I'm "playing"/looking around at facebook. Found some quizes and took some of them. I know it's nothing to count on and that the answer is common but it's fun to take them and this answer was really accurat. It was a quiz about what color suits your personality.. The answer:
"you best suit blue" you can be quite cold at times, but very creative, you enjoy being with your friends but not really confident with yourself at times. you need to look in the mirror and tell yourself you're beautiful, cause you are!

you people that know me.. how accurat wasn't that?? well well.. it's just for fun..

Julia came by last night and spent the night. We had supper together and watched tv and today we have just been relaxing, watching TV and we walked down to the mall so she could by a pair of shoes.. good day!

Otherwise it has been a pretty easygoing week.. spent two 2,5 days at my brother's place. Hung out with them, the kids and mum that's visiting. Good to see them all!
Have been awefully tired lately.. it's just aweful. Just wanna be at home sleeping. And that's not like me. Went to the doctor's office on Monday to get looked at and to take some bloodtests. She said I sill had a cold and that I was low on iron so it was just to walk to the pharmasist and get some iron supplement.. Hopefully it will help!
otherwise it has been the usual.. church, which was awesome!, prayinggroup and so..


onsdag, november 05, 2008

Days of love & joy..

Have had good days since I last wrote. They have been filled with love, friends, happy moments, encourachment!! I feel so blessed!
On Friday Tomas helped me to fix my bike and after that I walked by Alexandra's house to say hi and it so happend that I got invited for lunch :) so nice to have someone to enjoy your meal with and have some company! In the evening I went to Alingsås to look at "lights in Alingsås" with my prayinggroup. Really nice evening! we walked around looking at the lights and arrangements and sat down at a cosy café to eat.

On Saturday I visited a friend downtown Gothenburg. We talked, ate together and she gave me a massage :) sooo nice! In the evening Alexandra, Jonas and I went to the movies and saw a swedish movie called "Rallybrudar". It turned out to be a good pick, we all liked it! After the movies we sat down at a café(Tintin) and talked for hours.. relaxed and nice!

On Sunday my prayinggroup were responsible for the mass in our church. It all worked out well and it was a blessed mass! Afterwards it was time for floorball which was really fun and after that Sara wanted to go Tintin and get something to eat so Maria, Alexandra, Sara and I went there. Girltalk, I tell ya :)

Yesterday I worked 3 hours where I worked last year and then I went to IKEA with Sara in the afternoon. Found a rug for my hallway, it looks really nice, so satisfied!
In the evening I had boardmeeting in church. Lots of laugher and goofing around because we all were tired but it was great to laugh together and we got through all the things we had to go through without problems!

Today I worked again, this time where I worked some weeks about a month ago. Wasn't in the mood at all to work, but it turned out to be a good day anyways. First one of the mums tells me she miss me there. Felt so good to hear that they liked me and that I made an impression! Sometimes I felt like I didn't contribute with anything at all. And then the kids- they are just the sweatest- so cuddly, funny and charming. I'm so glad they remember me..

Todays supper was eaten at Max(fastfood restaurant) at the mall with Alexandra and then we just strolled and looked in some stores. I think we both needed to get some light, even though it was artificial, and see some people and not just sit at home by ourselfs..

and I'm so happy Obamha won the election in the US!! I was pretty sertain he would win but you can never be totally sure until it's over. Ayways, I think america's people made the right decision!

Now it's time for Grey's antomy :) so I'm done blogging for now..

fredag, oktober 31, 2008

Älska mig för den jag är

Se mig för här är jag
låt mig få komma nära
till era hjärtan så som den jag är
den jag försöker vara
ge mig min morgondag
min enda önskan nu och här
älska mig för den jag är

Se fjärilns vingeslag
i alla himlar fara
se alla ögon blinka stjärneljus
låt livet komma nära
se mig för här är jag
min enda längtan nu och här
älska mig för den jag är

Låt livet komma nära
se mig för här är jag
min enda längtan nu och här
älska mig för den jag är

Se fjärilns vingeslag
i alla himlar fara
se alla ögon blinka stjärneljus
låt livet komma nära
se mig för här är jag
min enda längtan nu och här
älska mig för den jag är
min enda längtan nu och här
älska mig för den jag är

torsdag, oktober 30, 2008


have had a pretty good week.. socialy and workwise at least. On Friday evening Alexandra and I went to Fredrik's place just to hang out and eat tacos and applepie! really nice evening!! on Saturday I helped Per & Karin to move to their new house. Went smooth and pretty fast.. the evening were spent at home relaxing. My cold and carrying all that stuff wore me out.. Sunday was church as usual. Really good sermon and awesome worship!! so focused and thoughtworthy!

Been working this week, mostly half days. So nice to have the afternoons off! I wonder if I ever will be able to work fulltime. The weeks I have done that I have been so tired. Monday was Sara's 30th birthday so in the evening the whole gang went there to celebrate her.. fun fun!! good to see everyone and looots of food and candy/sweats.. :)

Yesterday evening was dance in church. Was okay and fun.. got some fun & creative ideas for the future! hope we can make them all come through! :) need to think it thorugh and decide so we get it done!

Still not gotten rid of the cold I catched. It's almost almost gone, but not 100% well yet.. sigh. I don't know if it's the cold that has made me so tired lately or if it's something else..anyways, I'm gonna rest & sleep this weekend, hopefully it will help! and I'm gonna get a massage by a friend!!! :) will be sooo nice! and I will massage her too. Long time since I gave a massage so it will be nice! looking forward to it!

Hopw you all will have a good weekend..

onsdag, oktober 22, 2008

Runny nose..

I catched a cold :( started about a week ago with a soar throat and then yesterday evening my nose glogged and then it got runny :( sigh.. and today it has contoniued to run and I think my sinuses is infected too but I don't know. Gonna call the doctor's office tomorrow morning..

I spent the weekend at my parent's place in my beloved Delsbo. Awesome to come home again and see everyone! My nieces and nephew were so excited. Seemed liked they lived at my parent's house this weekend-except when they ate and slept. They spent every waken hour with me and my parentes it seemed like :) but it was awesome to play boardgames & cards, draw, lay puzzles, watch movies, read and so on. The only bad thing was my thorat, I could hardly speak and were so hoarse.

On Sunday afternoon Albin had a birthdayparty. He turned 6. It was fun. Nice to see my sister-in-laws family again. And my sister with family came too :) so good to see them! Later in the afternoon a cousin came by with her son & boyfriend to say hi and on Monday before lunch I visited another cousin.. awesome to see them!! wanted to see some more people but I was to tired and not in the mood 'cause of my throat. But I really enjoyed to just be at home and relax, to get breakfast, lunch & dinner served :)

On monday before I left they called from where I have been working the past weeks and told me I didn't get the substitute post I applied to :( a little sad and dissapointing, but I'm not worried. God probably has other plans for me this fall. This week, for example, I clean in church..

Think I'm gonna continue to cure myself with some honeywater and watching tv..
Take care!

tisdag, oktober 14, 2008

New week..

Had a goood weekend, relax and easygoing with some things happening..
Friday evening I went to town with Alexandra & some more friends to listen to a "concert" in a church. Then we went to another church to listen to gospel and have tea at their café. It was lots of fun & really nice!! Then a friend of mine came and met with us 'cause she was gonna spend the weekend at my place.. nice to see her again and have some company!! Thanks for comming :)

Saturday was mostly spent at home relaxing, while my friend were at a class downtown. In the evening another friend came by and we three just sat talking, eating candy and just enjoying the peacefullness and the relaxing..

Sunday morning-early afternoon was as relaxed as the previous days and in the late afternoon I went to my brother's place to my niece's birthday party! she turned 1 about a week ago. We had cookies, coffe and of course cake! it was nice! Good to see them all again and to chat some with my sister-in-law.. she's so wise!!

Yesterday I worked at my old job in the afternoon and then it was prayinggroup in the evening. Awesome evening! It was awesome and so encouraching to pray with Jonas and Malin. The Lord answered some prayers right away.. pretty cool :)

Today I worked where I have been working the last three weeks and after lunch I went to a employmentinterview there! Hope I get the substitutepost I applied to, would be awesome, but it's just to wait and see! Gonna work this week anyways..

I just got back from an evening in church and then a trip to "the golden arches".. and surprise surprise, I had ice-cream :) coudn't resist!
Think I'm gonna go to bed soon, I'm kind of sleepy but feeling relaxed and satisfied right now..

fredag, oktober 10, 2008

Blessed be Your name

Blessed Be Your Name
In the land that is plentiful
Where Your streams of abundance flow
Blessed be Your name

Blessed Be Your name
When I'm found in the desert place
Though I walk through the wilderness
Blessed Be Your name

Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be Your name
When the sun's shining down on me
When the world's 'all as it should be'
Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name
On the road marked with suffering
Though there's pain in the offering
Blessed be Your name

Every blessing You pour out I'll turn back to praise
When the darkness closes in, Lord Still I will say
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your name
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be Your glorious name


And so it's weekend it again.. unbelieavable how fast the weeks passes by!
Thought I was gonna work today but there were only 4 kids today so I got to spend the day off, and I'm soo enjoying it! Nice to sleep in and to wake up in your own paste and have coffee while you watch TV, walking around doing things that need to be done. I have gone through my wardrobe, watered my flowers and taken away dead leaves from them and now I'm soon gonna sort through some papers that has piled up. bu the best part is just to be able to sleep & relax.. need it so badly!! Amazing how tired you can get after 3 days of work.. just incredible. I really love kids & enjoy working at daycares but I don't think I wanna work at a daycare when I'm done with my education/later on in life.. wanna work with kids but to take care of 9-15(20 at some places) kids 5 days/week is just to exhausting. I really admire the ones that do that!! Think I wana work in church with young kids there or at a hospital at the "playtherapy" and help sick kids handle & understand what they go through & experience..

My friend Julia came by the other day and spent the night. It was nice to see her! We had a good time looking at pictures from kindergarden, early school years and so.. it's awesome to be nostalgic and remember old classmates and Delsbo memories :) also found an old pic from sundayschool in church.. oh my God, you should see it :) think I'm gonna post it on facebook as fast as I have scanned it. So Kristina & Katarina keep your eyes open :)

Have a great weekend my loves..

måndag, oktober 06, 2008

You raise me up..

When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up: To more than I can be.
(Josh Groban)

tickets for x-mas..

just booked traintickets to go home to my parents place for x-mas, wee!! :) so now it's done, it was a little expensive but not so bad..

Talked on the phone with my mum earlier this morning and it seems like my oldest brother and his family his comming home for x-mas too, even though they were at my parent's place last year. They usually alternate between the families. I don't mind, will be awesome to spend x-mas with them!! and my brother and family in Alingsås is comming too. So I guess we will be everyone this year!! fun fun fun!! :) at least one of the x-mas days it will be all of us, my youngest brother & his fiance usually just shows up on x-masday for some hours. It will be hectic and caotic days filled with running & playing kids but it will be awesome to see everyone, sooo many years since we all celebrated x-mas together!!

didn't go to my brother's place :( yesterday I was tired and it just didn't work out.. and today my sister-in-law had become busier then she thought she would be and my brother is working so it wasn't a good day as it seemed to be earlier, so I'm home, doing laundry and getting things done. Feels good to have a day at home..and then prayinggroup tonight!! :) yeeah!!

ooh, must tell: they called from were I have been working the last two weeks and wanted to have me on a employment interview next week!! :) exciting!!
have a good day/week!!

söndag, oktober 05, 2008

Awesome but confusing days..

Hello everyone!
Have spent most of the last two days at a leadershipcourse with some people from church. It's called "global leadership summit" and it's from willow creek community church in Chicago. It has been awesome! So uplifting, inspiring, challenging, educational.. just soo good! They had really good and devoted people that spoke about about heir leadership in their churches/companies. So much to melt and take in now. But it's good to think over your leadership and see how you are what you can do better..

Friday evening was spent at home. It was nice and relaxing but hard in the same way, some things came up inside me and made me think. Hard and frustrating but I'm glad God showed me it. And I'm soo glad I have friends that I can ask to pray for me. Got a text on my cell from one and it spoke so clearly and was so right.. I hadn't told him what I wanted him to pray for just that I wanted some prayer. I just love how God works :)

Yesterday when the summit was over me & some friends went to a friend that had a combined birthday & housewarmingparty. We were all tired but had such a good time!! Haven't lauged like that for some weeks.. we goofed around, threw paper airplans, danced, played charades and just talked.. really good evening!!

During the evening I noticed a strange thing had happend with me. So confusing but fills me with hope & expectation too.. I really hope it it what it is, would be sooo great and such joy for me! *hooopes*

Right now I'm just enjoying the Sunday watching TV and having coffee.. thinking about visit my brother with family. The youngest turns one tomorrow :) Then it's church as usual tonight- we will get visited by a bishop from tanzania. Exciting!! :) Then it's floorrball. Will be nice to get some exercise after two days of sitting and eating :)


torsdag, oktober 02, 2008


I am sooo tired, I'm almost falling asleep in my sofa. So I just made some tea.. maybe that will keep me awake until bedtime..

Have been good but busy days and I have been so tired. The weekend was really nice and relaxed. Most of it was spent at home doing laundry, some cleaning and just relaxing. Went to the movies with my friend/ex coworker on saturday afternoon. That was the only thing I did..

This week I have been working everyday at the christian daycare i worked last week. It's lots of fun and the staff & kids are just so sweat but it's exhausting too, but all the hugs & all the funny coments from the kids makes it worth it :) And today one of the moms said she wishes that I would get the longterm substitue post.. made me glad!! I really like working there and I hope I get to work next week too but at the same time if feel like, how am I gonna manage to work 5 days a week when I'm so tired after 4 days and have no family to take care of?? it's such a different life from the one I have had with studies some years ago and working half days last year, Then I had time to hang out with friends, be in church, have lunch and so with friends alot more then right now. If I'm gonna work like I do now the rest of the fall I really have to get used to change my life and get used to new rutines. But that could be a good experience I guess.. i have to learn sometime. Or?? :)

On Tuesday after work I had an appoitment with my conversional buddy/mentor. Haven't talked with him for about 5 months,so it was really good to see him again! We had a really good, interesting and uplifting chat. Think it was encouraching & uplifting for him as well- it makes me glad when what I experience can help & encouarch someone else! It's amazing how wonderful it can be to put your thoughts into words, get advise & someelses point of view and just get help to focus & see clearly. And it works out so well to talk to Johan. He's easy to talk to to, he understands, can see what's happening, make paralells and so.. it's just a great feeling :) He's such a blessing..

I had a borrowed a car(only that was a blessing and sent from God) so I drove buy my brother's place in Alingsås to say hi and pick up a TV they said I could have. Everything worked out so well that afternoon- the blessed chat and beeing able to pick up the TV and everything easy with a car! In the evening a friend came buy. We had dinner, talked, had tea and just hung out in my kitchen.. really nice!! awesome to see her again!

Yesterday it was time for some worshipdance but I wasn't in the mood at all :( were tired and on top of it all I had some trouble with the cd/music when I was going to practise before and all I wanted to do was to go home and lay down in my sofa. But Jenny & I danced some anyways. Was ok. When I came home I just went straight to the sofa. Watched "Grey's anatomy" and called my beloved friend Johnny, we talked for almost an hour.. just so much fun!

I'm gonna continue to enjoy my evening.. you have a good one!!

lördag, september 27, 2008

In Christ alone..

Found a "video" with a song by Brian Litrell, one of the guys from Backstreet boys. (He's my favourite BSB guy buy the way).. He has some awesome christian songs.. here is one of my favourites..


fredag, september 26, 2008

weekend is here..

It's weekend :) yeaah!! and I'm so looking forward to it and enjoying the fact that I have some days of. It's amazing how 5 days of work can really make appriciate the days of!! I'm just gonna relax, do some laundry which I really need to, clean some and maybe hang out with friends. We talked about maybe going out for dinner. Would be nice!

Have had good days at work. I really like it at that daycare. The co-workers are really sweat and the kids too!! Today we had a really easygoing day with 5 kids!! We played circus, drawed, necklaces of beads and just had a good time. Awesome to get the time to really see and talk to the kids.

Gonna work next week too but the manager don't know how much yet.. will know on Monday sometime. And she still seem optimistic to let me have the subsitute post until x-mas. We'll see. And I think I want to too.. would be nice have something more regular, to know how much I will work and not have to worry and not knowing from week to week(or day to day)..

Now I'm gonna enjoy the evening in my sofa with some candy :)
have an awesome weekend!

onsdag, september 24, 2008


Hello everyone!! :)
I'm sitting here enjoying an evening at home. Have been some busy days, but awesome ones!! Right now I'm waiting for my friend Julia to show up. She's gonna spend the night because she's going to some jobinterviews pretty close to here tomorrow. Haven't seen her in a while so it will be nice to see her!! Gonna make waffles for supper.. yuum!

Have been working three days in a row now, it's fun & feels good but I'm soo tired.. hopefully some of the tiredness will go away when my body get used to working. On Monday I worked at my old job and yesterday & today I worked at a christian daycare that a congregation close to me has. It's less kids in the group so it's a little easier & calmer but some kids have lots of energi.. :) the bad thing about that daycare is that they have a small yard, so the bigger kids get bored easliy and runs all over the place. But it's outside so it's okay. I applied for a job at that daycare two weeks ago and that is how they got my name & called me and asked me to work extra while they go thorough the applications and stuff. They needed someone really badly & quick. And so far I enjoying working there and the manager said that if we feel that we get along, that it works out good, if I like it there and they think I will be suitable for the job she said she could maybe imagine hire me :) we'll see what happens after this week..

I still feel encouraged, joyful, happy & optimistic after the weekend and beginning of the week. The weekend of dance turend out good although I wasn't totally in the mood for it before but it was nice to get away, dance some, meet people that has a burning heart for God & worshipdance!! The service on Sunday morning that ended that weekend was awesome, just so great!! People danced, jumped, used baners, clapped hands and just worshiped God with all their heart and body!! Soo awesome!! :)

I was really tired on the way home and I was a terrible company for Jenny while she drove but I just couldn't force myself to be social. Needed time to relax.. and it was a well used time becuase while we were driving I started to get in the mood for praying and started to feel an expectation to attned the praying team in the service! And I don't regret I prayed during communion instead of just worshiping as I usually do. It was awesome to stand there and serve the people with prayer that wanted to be prayed for and to hear the songs in the background & see the congregation worship! It was just great :) It was an awesome service all over!!!

After mass it was indoorbandy, 1st time for this term. It was lots of fun but exhausting!! afterwards Maria, Sara, Alexandra and I were hungry so we went to "the golden arches" to eat.. and Scott, I didn't have ice-cream. Surprise huh?! :) it was nice just to sit and talk and hang..

After work on Monday it was time for praying group. It was the first time in our "new" groups after we split last week(we got so many new members this fall so we had to split into two-how awesome isn't that?!). So it was some new people to get to know and of course I miss the ones that are in the other one.. but it was an awesome evening with a really interesting discussion & and strong precence that gave joy & encourachment!!. I just feel that it will be an awesome fall for my praying group!! :)

Hmm.. could write lots more but I'm not gonna bore you so I stop here. Julia will be here any minute so I should go anyway..
take care!!

måndag, september 22, 2008

Awesome days..

I'm back at home in my sofa :) feels good after some busy days.. I'm tired but feeling great! feel recharged, uplifted, energetic. Have had really good days!!! I'm to tired to tell you eveything now but wanted to give you a short recap.. It has been days filled with dance, people, uplifting services with strong precense and joy, prayer, indoor-bandy, eating at Mc Donalds, working and a awesome, uplifting, sothing, jofyll evening with my prayinggroup!! :)

As you can tell it has been busy days but they have been just so great!!
No I need to go to bed because I have to get up and work tomorrow. Looking forward to it. It's nice and feels good to have somthing to do!! and in the evening I'm gonna work in church.. :) had made plans to meet with a friend but when I made those plans I had forgotten that I had promised to work in church, so I had to cancel the plans with my friends. But we'll take it next week instead.. looking forward to that, haven't seen her in a long time!!

well.. good night everybody..

fredag, september 19, 2008

Not ny might..

Not by might, not by power but my spirit says the Lord..
(Zech 4:6)

Just got remembered of that verse.. comforting and encouraching.. and so relieving..

Friday.. :)

heelluuu! :)
how are you all??
I have had good days since I last wrote. I still feel kind of lonely and empty but not as much as I did when I last wrote. I know it's just a process I have go through to be stronger and prepeared for what is comming. As many of the things I have gone through the past years. All of it has made me stronger and helped me grow, even though it was really painful when I was in it.

On Wednesday I helped a lady in church to do some errands. She has a broken foot and walks with crutches and therefore she can't drive and needed help with some things. She wanted to go to a hairdresser downtown Gothenburg so I drove her there. It was my first time driving downtown, it was really interesting and a experience, but it went really well! I'm proud of myself :) while she was at the hairdresser, which took some hours, I sat at a café reading & having coffee. Really nice just to sit there reading, looking at people and so.
When she was done she had to go to the groccerystore to pick up some things so I helped her with that. She was really happy and glad that I could help and appriciated it alot. And I had a good time too, it was awesome!
When we where done I had about 45 minutes to relax and get prepeared for worshipdancing! Which turned out to be awesome! It was a really good evening with dance and it gave strength! :) I'm excited and feel inspired to dance this fall..

Yesterday I went to the gym and did some workuot and then walked to church to talk Helen who is responsible for the prayingteam in my church. I've become a member of the prayingteam so we talked about "rules", etics and so. Really interesting & exciting! :) Looking forward to serve people with prayer during worship in mass! Then I just hung out reading, playing piano, talking with Maria & the others and so before it was time to shop & cook for "alpha". It was fun and nice even though I was pretty sleepy. Listened to the lecture before I did the dishes. It was awesome, A-P was inspiring and focused!! We are blessed which such good tuitors in my church. Just so blessed...

Today I'm just hanigng out at home so far. Gonna have breakfast soon and then I need to pick up some groccerys. And I still haven't bought a vaccum so maybe I should do that too today so I can clean properly :) otherwise I don't have any plans. We'll see what happens.

Tomorrow me and a friend are going to a city south of Gothenburg for a weekend of dance. A christian dance organisation has their annual meeting & weekend of inspiration. Will be fun to meet other dancers and get some new ideas and inspiration! :)

tisdag, september 16, 2008


Have had a good day. In the morning I was just home dancing, had moment of worship & prayer, unpacked my stuff from the camp and so. After lunch I took a walk and stopped in church to say hi. Got "stuck" there talking to my friend Maria and just hanging out for about 3,5 hours. It was awesome to just be and have company. And there was a reporter doing an artical about my church there..

Now I'm sitting here in my apartment feeling lonely.. don't know why. I have my family, my friends & church family that loves me and care & give me attention. And I like where I live, my apartment and so... So why do I feel lonely?? the feeling has grown stronger lately, which annoys me. Is it the longing for someone to share my life with and to have someone to cuddle and watch tv with?? or is that I don't have a clear goal with my life and I don't know what God want to use me for?? the frustration of not have caught your task/mission? or a combination maybe?? Usually some hours in church and hanging out with friends help and makes me feel good, but not today.. felt ok when I were there but after a short while at home the emptiness were back.. sigh..

Sara came back from the states today!! :) will be awesome to see her again!! haven't seen her since me drove me to the airport on June 19.th.. hopefully I'll get to see her this weekend!!
Maybe I should go to bed and read some before I go to sleep..


Camp, babysitting=busy weekend..

Heeloo.. I'm back :)
Had a great weekend! Had camp with my church so on Saturday morning my friend picked me up and we drove to camp. It was a good & fun camp! aweesome to get together like that and hang out, eat together, worship, have tution and so. This weekend we had focus on where we are as a church/congregation, where we want to go, what is our mission?, what do we want with the camps we have once a year? really important, interesting but hard questions.. especially the one about what we want with the camp next year made people think & talk, lots of opinions and ideas. Which is great! It was good to focus on those questions this weekend, but I would liked to have more tuition though..
We also had two services.. one on Saturday night and one on Sunday morning. Both were just awesome!! both A-P and Claes had focus and had inspiring & encouraching things to say. It was awesome!

After the service on Sunday I went to Hjälmared,Alingsås to babysit my nieces there. I was some hours early so I walked by the school's kitchen to say hi to some of my old colleagues that I knew was working. It was sooo great to see them!! just awesome!! Had lunch with them and talked for a while.. then I went down to the lake and sat on the dock/landingstage just to relax. It's so beutiful there! such peace on that place..
Then it was time to babysit. It was awesome to see my brother with family again!! The kids were glad to see me! I was so tired after little sleep the night before but the babysitting went just fine except that the little one(that soon turns one) were really tired and she didn't recoginze me so she was cranky & fuzzy. Dispite that she fell asleep without problems when I laied her down but she woke up en hour later and didn't want to go back to sleep :( so I had her with me when I put the others to bed, she sat on the floor playing while I sang to and prayed with Maja & Anna. Who are just sooo cute & just adorable.. they talked and talked about all kind of things.. :) they went to sleep without problem so I brought the little one upstairs and watched TV and eventually she fell alseep in my arms..

On Monday I just hung out talking to my brother some before I went back to Partille. In the afternoon I had an appointment to go to a daycare in a church nearby here and talk with the staff & say hi. So they got to see how I am. I have applied to a job there and now they needed a substitute to work while they wait to get someone on the post. They seemed pleased with me so next week I'm gonna work there :) awesome isn't it? looking forward to try to work at a christian daycare. Never done that.. interesting..

The praying group in the evening was good!! we're about 11-12 people even though 5 were missing!!! we have grown so much this fall so we are gonna split in two. So from next week we are seperated :( so sad, but needed. can't be 17 in a prayinggroup- it's hard to see everyone and everyone doesn't get their voice heard that easily when you're that many.

Seems like I wont work today :( noone has called yet so.. I guess I'll just have an easy day at home unpacking and so.. maybe I'll finally go and by a vaccum so I clean proparly :)
Have a great day and week!

fredag, september 12, 2008


yeeah, the weekend is here!! :) I'm so looking forward to it 'cause I'm going on a camp with my church/congregation =) they always have a weekendcamp in September to focus and start up the fall. Usually really nice weekends with fellowship and good tuition and strong precence... :) We'll be awesome to go away for 2 days and just hang out, have tuition and worship!!

Yesterday I was mostly home, as I have mostly been this week. Noone called and needed me to work so I danced some, took a walk which wasn't that good of a idea because my knee started to hurt again :( sigh.. well, it was a nice walk anyways and then I had lunch, watched some TV and then I went to church to print some things before it was time to start cook for alpha. Talked with some of the staff, read some in my book and then I finally got to mail my jobapplication!! Then it was time to make some taaacos :) Karin and I had fun cooking and Maria walked by now and then to try the food.. :) About 9 people came, plus the alpha leaders and a few more so we're about 2o people eating. We're all happy that all 9 signed up for alpha and will continue the whole fall. And a few more that wasn't there yesterday is gonna attend to. Awesome :)
When I came home I got stuck talking to people on msn and then Vera was online on facebook so I got to chat with her too.. sooo great! just awesome!! :)

Today I have taken a walk with one fo the new youthworkers in church who lives close to me and she's also in my praying group. It was nice to talk to her and get some company on my walk!! After that I have just been home packing for the weekend and so.. think I'm gonna text my friends and see if they wanna do something tonight..

Have a great weekend everyone. I'm sure I'll :)

onsdag, september 10, 2008


It has been a rainy and grey Wednesday here in the Gothenburg area :( Makes you kind of slow and sleepy. I'm tired but I don't know why.. maybe because I worked yesterday?? maybe it's because of the rain & greyness.. or maybe it's just one of those days.. who knows :)

The prayinggroup was nice!! awesome to see them and to pray and worship with them again!! Lots of new people so now we're to many to be one group so we have to split :( it's sad that we have to split, but of course a fun & plesaurable dilemma that we have grown!!

Yesterday I got to work with the kids at the daycare I worked last year!! :) it was awesome to see the kids and work, but exhausting ! At the division I worked at yesterday all the kids are under 4, so it's a handfull there, I tell ya. But it's so much fun :) got a ride home with my friend which was nice after a day of work..

Today turned out to be a good day despite the rain and greyness. In the morning I was just home watching tv, went to the groccery store and so. After lunch I had to get out and get some air so I took a walk to church to fix some things. Susanne was there so I talked some with her and then I sat down and read some news papers. Then Maria came back from doing arrends or something, so I talked with her and hung out while she had a snack and then the new socialworker in church came and a little later one of the priests, so we got stuck eating/having coffee longer then we thought because we're talking, but none of us complained :) I stayed in church for a few more hours and then it was time to go and help Karin shop the food for the alpha course that starts tomorrow. We are responsible for the cooking, we're gonna make tacos :) looking forward to it..

Well well.. Think I'm gonna watch some tv..

måndag, september 08, 2008


So, a new week is here.. the days passes by fast..

Had a very calm and relaxing weekend. On Saturday I mostly was at home, taking it easy, watching the morning show on tv, listening to the radio and so.. then I went to the gym and did some workout and after that I had some late lunch/early supper and the rest of the day was spent at home in front of the TV and at the computer talking to some people on msn.. realy relaxed and just nice..

Yesterday started out as calm as Saturday and then I went to Sams' goodbye party in the afternoon. Met lots of people from church and a classmate from my bibleclass I havn't seen in a long time. It's really nice!! but it's sad that Sam is leaving :(
Then most of us went to church. It was a good service! It was so good to be back and see everyone and worship with them again!! Some of my friends were responsible for the service and the coffee/tea & sandwishes afterwards so I stayed and talked with people and waited for them. When they were done and Maria could lock up and close the church and get of work(she's the janitor) she was hungry so we decided to go the "the golden arches" (certain fastfood rest) and get something & hang out. Me and some others were gonna have ice-cream (surprise huh Scott?:)) 'cause we're still pretty full but the ice-cream machine was out of order :( so we had milkshakes instead. Not what we wanted but it was ok and yummie anyways :) so we sat there chating for a while- just relaxed and had a good time..

Today I have just been at home relaxing, trying to get some things done. I wrote in my diary, listened to some music, practised some dance. Have decided to start the worshipdancegroup again so I need to go through some dances so I know them when we start next week. It was really awesome to dance again! =) Then I took a walk and now I just had a late lunch.. gonna try to make some phonecalls now and then get ready for the prayinggroup :) can't wait to see everyone!

Have a great one..

fredag, september 05, 2008

Friday.. :)

It's weekend.. yeeah :)
Have had a good day. Had to get around 7, which wasn't that fun, but anyways. Of course I was deep asleep when the alarmclock went of. Could have slept forever it felt like, which is strange because I got about 8 hours a sleep. Must be the jetlag.. One more wierd thing just come to me: usually I wake up between 4-6 in the morning and have to go the bathroom but I havn't been waking up since I got back to Sweden. Have slept until 8 or 9 without waking up during the night, unbeliavble but nice, I'm not the one to complain :) maybe I changed my sleeping habits, but I don't think so, probably just the jetlag..

Anyways. I had breakfast and went to town to go the hospital. It went smooth and fast. Faster then I expected actually so when I texted my friend she wasn't ready, so I sat down at a café, bought a coffee and read my book while I waited for her. It was nice to sit there and read and listen to the music they played. When she arrived we got a sandwish and coffee and just sat there talking about diffrent things for some hours.. really nice! It was awesome to see her!!

At noon she had to go so we said by and I started walking towards the bus to go back home. I walked via a christian bookstore and who do I meet there?? My friend Maria, that works in church :) She had been to the hairdresser and was on her way back to church and work, so I got a ride with her and we had lunch at Max(Swedens equivalence to Wendys) and had a interesting chat about sex and living together before marrige and stuff like that. Giving and interesting!
Then we had to go so Maria could contiune to work and I make some copies of my grades and recmendations to send with the jobapplications. When I was done I sat down and had a coffee and read some christian news papers and just relaxed for a while.. That's what I like so much about my church, that the church part, the staffs offices and the café is in the same house. Which means that the church is always open(if there's anyone there) and you can just hang out and read, play piano/guitarr, pray or just say hi and talk to the people if they are not busy or if nothing special is going on. It's just awesome!! And usually there's someone you know(except the staff) there so you hardly never hang out by yourself :)

Took a walk home and then I have just relaxed and taking it easy. Done some cleaning too- it was kind of dusty here. Right now I'm watching TV but my TV is giving up I think :( in the spring the sound was wierd. It just went up & down and was unstable. Now the picture is wierd. It's skipping and there's lines in it and sometimes the picture disapears totally and there's just a thin line in the middle of the screen. But it's about 15 years old so I guess it has lived it's life..

I don't think anything special is gong on tonight, and I don't mind. I'm fine with just sitting here watching TV and chilax :) I know some friends are at home but I don't feel the need to see them tonight. Of course I want to but the summer in the US without beeing able to see them teached me that I don't need to hang out with them several times a week, they are there anyways. Usually I would like to hang out almost every night/day with my friends but I don't need that now. I can really appriciate to be by myself now a days. I know they are still there and we'll see eachother soon. Kind of a nice feeling and insight. And because we're all involved in church and goes to mass every Sunday and on extra tuition nights we see eachother often anyways. And as you guys probably know- we usually hang out at least 1 night during the weekend too. It's kind of nice to rest in that and just take the other days as they come.. :) Not feel the need and presuare to see them almost everyday to feel loved and seen.. the summer in the US did me good in many ways. It's not until you leave you know what you have..

Well well.. think I'm gonna call my parents..
Have a great weekend!!

torsdag, september 04, 2008


Hey you all!! :)
I didn't meet with Linnea yesterday :( she had catched a bad cold and had to rest to be able to work today. So I spent the day at home, unpacking more stuff and getting the stuff from the basement storage that I put down there before I left to the US. I did some arrends too and I went to the gym in the evening! There I met a girl that also work extra at "my daycare" and we took the same class. It was really hard but fun, and it felt so good to do some exercise again :) but my knee hurts really bad, and it has been hurting some today too. Wonder what's up with it..
Today I did some more arrends. One didn't work as I planned.. sigh.. why do they have to charge extra for eveything?? but the guy was nice and told me how to it another way, so it should work now. Hope so at least..
Then I made some pasta bolognese for lunch, it came out good I think :) then I went to church to hang out and say hi to the people there. Met some of the staff right when I came- awesome to see them!! Then Linnea came by :) She had an appointment with one of the youth workers and came to hang out after work until the appointment. Which was awesome 'cause we finally got to see eachother & got to talk and have coffee :) it was just awesome!! Then another friend, Kristoffer, came too to hang out and he joined us for a while. Nice to see him!! Then my friend Maria(not the one I met on the daycare) came back from having had funerals and done some shopping for church. Awesome to see her again and this time having time to talk to her!! She and the rest of staff came by the youthcafé part, where Linnea, Kristoffer & I were sitting, now and then and to have coffee, snack or just to have a short break. It's awesome to see them all!! :)

Now I'm just haning out at home. Trying to write a jobapplication. It's kind of hard to present yourself in a good way, and to know how to write. But I think I'm done now. Just need a few changes depending on where I'll send it. And I need some recomendations from the places I have worked..

Tomorrow morning I'm going to a hospital in Gothenburg to get some blodtests done and then I'll meet with my friend Cecilia to have brunch or coffee, depending on when I'm done and when they stop serving brunch..

onsdag, september 03, 2008

Back in Sweden..

Hey you all.. I'm back in Sweden safe & sound!!! It's strange and surreal but soooo nice and good to be back!! The flight went smoothly and problemfree except that my flight from Paris to Gothenburg was 2 hours late :( I was so tired when I was waiting in Paris,I was sitting on the floor leaning against the wall at the gate having big problems keeping my eyes open. I had on the plane too, I think I only was awake for the lunch. My friend Karin picked me up and drove me home. I unpacked a little and watched some tv and then I fell asleep at 10.30pm without problem..

Yesterday I was gonna visit my sister-in-law and my nieces in Alingsås before I got a haircut but something came up for Sofia so it didn't work out. So I was home, looked through my mail and so instead. Then I went to my old job(the daycare) to say hi to my old co-workers & the kids. It was awesome, so good to see them!! The best part was when I was standing in the hallway outside the teachers/staffs launch talking to one of the ladies and all of a sudden my friend/ex-co-worker Maria came running out of the teachers launch and threw herself in my arms and gave me a big hug!! soo nice!! have missed her, so it was really awesome to see her!!! we hugged for a long time and just were happy. Then I was sitting in the sofa in the teacherslaunch takling to her & some of the others when they were on break and had coffee.. really nice!! I ate lunch with Maria and the kids at her table beofore I left..

Then I had to go Alingsås and get a haircut. So good to see my beloved Alingsås again :) Then Maria and me met at the mall here in Partille to walk around and look in the shops and have coffee. Then I had boardmeeting in church. So nice to see the other boardmemebers again!! and I also got to see my friend Maria(not the one I saw earler in the day) real quick before the meeting started.. so nice to see her, but we didn't get to talk though :(

When I came home I sat in front of the TV for a while and then went to bed at 11.30pm but I couldn't fall asleep until after 1 :( sigh.. probably the jetlag effecting me.. I slept until 9 this morning and now I'm having coffee and try to wake up.. The sun is shining outside today. Nice!! I'm mostly gonna relax and continue fixing with stuff in my apartment. Maybe I'll meet with my friend Linnea too.. :)

It was a busy but really good & fun first day back in Sweden.. :)

lördag, augusti 30, 2008

Last days in the US..

Saturday.. 1,5 day until I leave the states and head back to Sweden.. feels so wierd and I'll miss the Stewarts. They are so sweat and such a lovley family. But I'm looking forward to see my family and friends. Talked with sister-in-law in Alingsas the other day, so awesome!! Can't wait to see her and the kids, and of course my brother- but he will be in Germnay, I think it was, when I get back. The youngest niece, the one I'm godmother to, is crawling now :) she'll soon turn one, can't belive it. Feels like just a few weeks ago since we had the baptism. But it's more then half a year..

Had some awesome chats on msn some days ago with two friends. So nice and it made my days!! :) and I think it gave me some direction for the future! After I decided not to study this fall I still felt like I should study more psycholoy and after a day or so I just felt like I should focus on child & youth psychology and work with kids. Which I have been thinking on before because it's really interesting and I love kids and wanna understand & help kids, but now I felt it stronger and it felt so right.
The day after that I talked to my dear friend Hellen and she asked me about the fall & studies and so. And as everyone else she thought I should be a teacher because I love kids and are good with kids. I have always rejected beeing a teacher even though I love kids, but now I felt like: "hmm,maybe a pree-schhol/kindergarten teacher with knowledge in psychology & development psychology would be something. Felt kind of right. Maybe I could complemnet with something else too..
And the day after I talked with my friend Kristina and we got into the same talk and she too thought I should maybe be a teacher and work with younger kids & study some more psychology. So two people that don't know eachother are just confirming my thoughts and feelings just a few days after they came to mee. It's pretty cool, but that's the way God and things work.. :)
I'm still not quite sure but I'll let it settle, pray about it and apply to the School and we'll see what happens in December when I get to know if I get accepted.. happy about that Hellen?? ;)

It has been a good week. We have been at home relaxing and hangingout a lot but on Wednesday I took the kids to DC :) it's awesome!!! so nice to see all the sights and my beloved city. I like DC a lot. The kids got tired in the end, but they were really good the whole time and enjoyed it. We saw the usual sights: the White House, the monument, the reflection pool & Lincoln memorial, The Vietnam war memorial, the Korea war memorial.. and we saw the Capital Hill from a distance- the kids were to tired to walk over there. It was cloudy and not to hot so it was the perfect day to go. 'Cause you don't wanna be in DC when it's hot. Done that and it's noot fun..

Hm,should go out and get the last stuff I wanna buy before I leave and continue packing. Both Macie & Vera is comming home today and I wanna be able to spend as much time as possible with them before I leave 'cause I haven't seen them for a week..

So,take care and have a great weekend..

måndag, augusti 25, 2008

New week..

A weeks has past.. has been a good one.
Took the kids out for lunch one day and in the afternoon the kids were actually outside for hours, I was in chock.. the made a slip & slide in the backyard and had lots of fun!! :)
The day after Macie wanted to go the mall to meet with her boyfriend so we did. We walked around some, had ice-cream, did a little shopping.. we had a good time!! after that we went home and the kids made a slip & slide again.. they wanted to show Macie's boyfriend.

Vera had the Friday off sa we decided to take the kids on a trip. We went to Mt Vernon. The place where George Washington(americas first president) lived. It was hot and sweaty but we had an awesome time & the kids really enjoyed it. It was a beutiful place, beutiful houses and nice sourroundings. You would have liked it Hellen, to bad we never went there.. or did you go with the Moores??

Yesterday Vera & I took the kids to Luckets Fair, a fair in Luckets, about 8 miles north of Leesburg. It was hot but nice & we had a really good time walking around looking at stuff, eating funnel cake, drinking lemoande & the kids played at the playground & tried a few activities. The bad thing about the fair is that almost everything you could do (wall climbing, horseback riding for example) cost money, and you still had to pay a entrance fee. Just wierd, I mean, they didn't have any rides or anything. Well, nothing to do about. We had a great time anyway :)
Then we had yummie supper with desert when we got home.. then it was the usual movie & popcorn night. Even thoug we didn't have popcorn 'cause we were still full from the supper & desert..

I have decided not to study this fall as I planned. I got accepted to one program and to one shorter class but I wasn't really sure about eather of them- how I would use it later on and I'm not sure how I'm gonna work, or with what. So I decided to say no to the schools and I'm just gonna work extra at daycares, in church and so. I think I'll get to work alot so I can live, shoudn't be any problems.. hopefully :)

I know God will show me, when the time is right, where he wants me and how he wants to use me but it gets kind of frustrating not to know and not to have a goal to "fight" for & strive against. I guess I'll just have to have patience &b wait.. but I'm gonna enjoy my fall anyways and work and visit family & friends.. maybe I can save some money and go for vacation somewhere. Would be nice :)

6 days left here in the US.. feels so wierd and surreal that my time for this time is over and it's time to leave. Gonna miss them so much, but I'm really looking forward to see all my friends at home, to live in my apartment with my stuff and so.. and to see my family :)

take care! miss ya all!

tisdag, augusti 19, 2008

Jonas brothers...

Me, some more grown ups but mostly thousands and thousands of screaming teenagegirls.. that was my evenig last night.. I took Molly & Macie to their first concert, a concert with the Jonas brothers. This "boyband" kind of that is really popular with girls. They stared in a movie called Camp Rock(that had premier this summer) for one example.. anyways..
We had lawnsits so we brought a blanket, some snacks and our cameras and went.. we had lots of fun :) Molly was jumping and screaming the whole time- she really enjoy it, she loooves the Jonas brothers :) she will probably not be able to talk today... Macie was standing by Molly taking pics & just listening to the music, she had fun too but she doesn't show it the same way. I stood by them most of the time, sat on the blanket sometimes. I knew some songs but not so many, but it's fun to be there and to see the girls so excited and into it!! but my god teenage girls can scream and be loud.. wow.. they scream for nothing but at least they all seemed to have fun :)
Came home a little after midnight so the girls are sleeping in today, but I felt I had to get up. Didn't want to leave Scotty awake by himself to long. He's okay with it & pretty used to be awake for a while by himself before the rest gets up, but I didn't want to leave him to long. So I'm a little tired but right now pretty okay after two cups of coffee :)

On Sunday Vera, the kids & me did some "sightseeing".. we went to a historical park or what ever you can call it that just a few miles away from their home. It's call Balls Bluff battelfield park or something.. a civil war fight took place there if I got it right.. there's a really small cemetary and otherwise is just some trails you can walk around on by the Potomac River and some overlooks over the river. Really beutiful and nice! we all had a good time, but it's a little hot, good things it was shaded :) we never knew of that park & old cemetary even though we live so close until Scott told Vera about it earlier on Sunday.. wierd that you can miss something that close, but it's probably to close..

A little less then 2 weeks left here in the U.S.. feels sureal that my time here for now is over. Time flies by so fast.. I'll miss the Stewarts and the U.S. I like it here and really feel at home.. but I can't wait to see my family & friends.. :)
ooh I just thought of it, haven't been to DC yet.. need to find a time to go there before I leave. Maybe this weekend or next week with the kids. Not fun to go by yourself, maybe the kids would like to go.. well well..

Time for a snack..
take care..

tisdag, augusti 12, 2008

Update.. :)

Here I'm again.. I'm alive :) sorry that I haven't updated in a while but I haven't had the inspiration or energy/time to it... the time flies by so fast..

Have had good weeks. The sun has kept on shining and it's still hot outside, even though it cooled of a little theese past days. And by little I mean little..
I have been driving the kids back and forth to their activities/summerjob.. between that I have tried to go to the pool a few times with the kids I had at home. Have been out for lunch a few times, went to a indoor pool one day.. otherwise we are hanging out at home watching tv, playing the wii- still a favourite for me, and now I'm soon a pro at boxing too.. :) I'm already one in bowling.. Scotty started talking about rollercoasters again and he has a game on the computer where you can build rollercosters and amusmentparks and he plays it a lot!! Macie and Molly plays it too sometimes..

Have done some shopping with Vera & the kids now & then, some groccery shopping with Scott.. Me, Vera & the girls also went to 1st night downtown Leesburg one Friday. They have that the 1st Friday of every month and the small shops/boutiqs are open longer.. really nice!! Ooh, forgot.. I took the kids to Great Falls national park one day. It was awesome! It's so beutiful out there!! we all enjoyed it.. getting out in the nature, walking around looking at stuff.. :)
Today the girls went to a movie after lunch so Vera, SCotty and I went hiking on a trail that passes Leesburg and goes to Alexandria, and passed that I think.. anyways, we had good time. Walking, looking at trees, picking flowers and just enjoying beeing outside!

Don't think theer's anything special going on this comming week.. just Macie working.And tae kwon do as usual.. Hopefully we will make it to the pool some day.. would be nice :)
take care..

måndag, juli 21, 2008

Back in buisness..

Hey you all.. I'm back at the house in Leesburg after an awesome 10 days vacation with the Stewarts!! :) We have had a really good time!! we have had awesome weather and just enjoyed it so much!!

First we stopped at six flags(amusmentpark) in New Jersey. The kids and Scott went on almost every ride there was, while me and Vera stayed on the ground most of the time.. we all enjoyed it and the kids just loooved it!! and believe it or not, Molly and Scotty finally stopped talking about rollercoasters. They had been talking our ears of about it the weeks before we left. It was cute & fun but got a little enoying sometimes.. but it was great to see them so excited! and I think Six Flags forfilled there expectations..

After that we continued to Maine, the Stewarts had rented a cabbin by a lake. So we just hung out there; swimming, canoing, cajaking, reading and so. It was awesome!! and of course.. here it comes Scott.. lots of ice cream :) hihi..
On Sunday we had lobster-yuuum, with Scott's family. So nice to see them again!! We also did some "field trips" during the week. We played miniture golf & went to a arcade, we went to a national park and a cute city by the ocean, we went bowling, went out for dinner and to a cook out at Scott's sisters place. Scott's family came by the cabbin now and then during the week and hung out and the kids played and the cousins had sleep overs with us. Which the loved. They were so happy to see their cousins.. :)

Now were are back to the normal routins. The kids have summerschool this comming week too so I'll mostly hang out around the house I guess. Take it easy and relax.. maybe do some shopping. :) but it's not the same without you Hellen..


tisdag, juli 08, 2008

4th of July weekend

Had an awesome weekend down by Lake Anna!! sooo nice and so much fun :) We started our drive after lunch on Friday. Stopped in Manassas to go to a used book store and we also had ice cream. Yuum!! :) When we arrived we went straight down to the lake and went swimming. So nice! The water was really warm, it was like getting into a tub. So amazing!! In the evening, after we had had supper and the thunderstorm had passed, Scott and Curtis made a firework show for us all. It was really nice and beutiful :) the kids were all excited jumping around.

On Saturday it was time for the big parade. We had decorated a golfcart with flags and other patriotic things, and Tammie and the kids went on it and participated in the parade. It was lots of fun, we all enjoyed it very much!! There were some really creative and fun floats. The americans don't spare their energy on the 4th of July celebrations!!

After we have had lunch we went out boating on the lake. Sweat, I'll tell ya :) the kids & I went swimming from the boat and just had a blast. And we all enjoyed beeing on the water and just relax. In the evening we just hang out in the house, had some chickenkebabs and so..
On Sunday we drove back home after a delicious brunch..

Yesterday Vera and I went grocceryshopping and we shoppad some birthday presents. It was a nice trip!! In the afternoon I went to the dentist to finish the rootcanal. It all went very good and without problems. That dentist was very nice and sweat. Vera and I also cleaned out the garage later on. It was nice to do something physical and use your body :)

On Thursday we leave for another vacation.. we're going to Maine :) wee!! I'm looking forward to it! First we'll stop at Six flags(amusmentpark in New Jersey). The kids, Molly & Scotty to be exact. are talking our ears of about it. They are so excited! And then we'll continue north to Maine. Just gonna hang out and go swimming and so.. sweat!!

torsdag, juli 03, 2008


noticed that it a litte more then a week since I last wrote here.. Has been a good week!! Relaxing as usual.. driving kids abck and forth, gone to the pool a few times and so. It's still warm and humid but it's nice. We have had some rain too. Some showers in the evenings from passing thunderstorms.

On the 1st,this past Saturday, Molly had her biorthdayparty. It's lots of fun! She had a discotparty so we dressed up like in the 70 & 80ies. And we danced and had careoke and played games in the basement. Crazy but fun :) and ofcourse we had pizza and cake.. yuuum :)

Otherwise it hasn't happend that much. I have been taking walks now and then, and I went to Duller Town center to look around, see something else then the house and to find Molly something for her birthday. It was awesome to se Dulles again :) it's the same. A few things has changed I think but not many. And the other night I followed Natalia and her sister(they had been on vacation since I arrived and came for for a few days before they go back to Brazil tonight) to fairoks mall in Fairfax. Been there once before. Was it with you Hellen? can't rellay remember..

and oh yeah.. my teeth has been bothering me this past week. First it was the gums but in the beginning of this week it moved to on tooth far back in the mooth. So yesterday I went to the dentist, who was really nice and good. He said I have an inflammtion in that tooth and would have to get an rotcanal thing done or pull the tooth out :( so this morning I went back and he did the first part of the rot canal job. I was good numbed and didn't feel anything and got some stronger painkillers so I this far I haven't felt anything at least. Hope the painkillers will help during the weekend.. and on Monday I'll go back and the dnetist will finish the job. Hopefully I won't have any troubles after that..

This weekend it's 4lth of July weekend. :) Vera got home early today and tomorrow they are both off. We're going to south VA to visit some friends of theirs that live by a lake Ana. Will be really nice I think!! Looking forward to it!! :)

Have a nice weekend..
love ya!!

tisdag, juni 24, 2008


Have had awesome days!! :) it's sooo good to be back!
Saturday we went to a birthdayparty. A typical american one with fruit & chips, pizza, bbq, cake, looots of presents, moon bounce and so forth.. we had a great time! In the evening the Stewarts wanted to take me out for dinner so we went to Red Lobster(it's by the dulles town center Hellen). I had chicken and rise with some shrimps.. yuuum!!

On Sunday I took a walk before the usual brunch, which we had when Vera & the kids came back from church. The brunch was good as always, Scott is a good cook!! :) After that Scott went to play golf and Vera, the kids & I just hang out in the house and relaxed.. Molly wanted to take a walk after supper so we did and then we watched a movie.Sister act 2. I like that movie..

Yesterday Vera ran som arrends while I and the kids hung out in the house, had lunch and then we went to the park. But it was kind of hot outside so we didn't stay that long. When Vera came back and had had lunch we did some more arrends.. busy but good day.

It's kind of surreal to be back but as you can tell I'm enjoying it :) So much nostalgia.. all theese places you have been to so many times and now you see again. The neighorbourhood, the roads.. it's amazing..

Right now the girls are at summerschool and Scotty is at the other computer.. relaxing an nice. It's only 9.22 but it feels like it should be 10.30 or something. Probably because I have been up since 7 and had breakfast, drove the girls and so..

well.. that's it for now!

fredag, juni 20, 2008

in the states..

I'm in the U.S :) The flight went by smooth without problems and the Stewarts picked me up at the airport! it's soooo nice to see them again, just awesome!! :) They are the same.. just older :) the kids are still into computer & tv games and tae kwon do. Molly is bubbly, talkative and crazy as ever :) I gave Vera a pretty big hug when we meet and Molly was like: "hey, that's not fair. Why did mum did get such big hug and I didn't?"

Hellen, you wouldn't belive how things has changed. Remeber that our street ended and then it was just woods?? now the woods are gone and there is lots of houses and you can take a right and drive through neighbourhood after neighbourhood and after a while you come out on route 7.. and there's also a new shoppingcenter on that way. I'll try to take pics and post them..

The weather is hot and humid. Left a rainy Sweden and came to a sunny Leesburg, don't complain :)
Right now Molly & Scotty are watching a movie and Macie is at tae kwon do. Guess we'll go outside and do something after lunch. Take a walk or something..

well.. that's it for now.. I'll write more soon I hope.. you can also follow me on resedagboken.se if you like. Search for dellbon.

söndag, juni 15, 2008

In Delsbo..

Are at my parents place for a few days before I go to the states. Just 3,5 days left :) can't belive it, it's surreal but I'm so thrilled and excited!!! :)
It's awesome to be at home in Delsbo, just relax, enjoy the countryside, hang out, see my family and so and catch the breath and rest before I go overseas. Visited my sister today, nice to see her and to play with Malva :) she´s soo cute, just adorable!! :)

What a week I have had. It has been pretty good but stressfull. Had dinner and worship in church last Friday to celebrate June 6th, It's really nice and encouarching!!! Saturday I was mainly at home and took it easy- were tired and had a headace. Sunday it was church in the afternoon as usual and after church me and some friends hung out at Fredrik's place. Really nice and lot of fun :)

Then on Monday I tried to get a hold of the doctor's office to get an oppinion if I should work or not. Didn't get hold of them until 1.30pm and by then it was to late to get an appointment so they told me to call back the next morning. How stupid is that that they can't give me an appointment the next day and that you have to call again.. sigh. Anyway. I did some cleaning in my apartment, whcih I shouldn't had done. My shoulder started to hurt really bad again :(

Well, went to work on Tuesday. Cleaned the toilets and of course my arm started to hurt, but luckily enough they needed me with the kids the rest of the day. Called the doctors office and got hold of them around 9am, but didn't get an appointment that day eather. They were so fullbooked :( In the evening I and some friends watched Sweden vs Greece in the soccer europeen champioschip. We had a good time eating candy, chips and watching the game wich was pretty good & entertaining, and the important thing is that Sweden won :)
On Wednesday I worked with the kids and called the doctor for the 3rd time that week and finally I got an appointment!!! :) of course my arm was better ´cause I hadn't cleaned but the doctor said,as the one the week before, that I have an inflammation in my shoulder and that I overstrained it. She didn't think it was any idea to get me on sickleave when I had only two days left to work and proabbly would work with the kids thoose days. But she gave me more anti-inflammatory medicine and told me not to clean if I could avoid it.
After work I went to Alingsås and got a haircut and then visited my brother with family. Awesome to see them, especially the kids, and rleax and have dinner watch some TV.

Thursday I had to clean as usual- nooot good. My shoulder hurted like ***. I took the floors and the toilets and then I just did easy things, like went through papers and so. Then I worked with the kids for a few hours. Then I had to go home and start packing and get ready to leave my apartment. So much to do and so stressed and all I really wanted was to lay down in my sofa but I couldn't.. later on I went to see two friends and had bbq with them. It's awesome to see them again! soo nice!! :)

Friday I went up at 7, cleaned the floors in my apartment and then went to work. Worked with the kids, which was awesome!! Only 10 kids, 3 left for snack in the afternoon! Was a good day!! Got this really nice necklace from my co-workers :) After work I went home to finish packing and cleaning. And then finally I had some time to just relax before the truck I was gonne ride with left Gothenburg.

Has been one kind of a week, not much time for reflection and rest, but now I can relax and just take it easy, when eveything is set for a summer in the states :)
Mum and dad just got home.. gonna have some strawberries and tea with them!!

fredag, juni 06, 2008

My balcony..

Have been working on my balcony.. I'm not finished but I don't think I'll do so much more right now since I wont we here for the summer.. but what do you think?? doesn't it look a little better?? ;) for me it does, now I wanna go out and sit there, before I didn't want to..


And after:

Awesome Thursday..

Had an awesome Thursday :) So relaxed and nice..

My friend Sofia and I had decided to go to the beach but she didn't feel good when she wook up so she had to stay home :( to bad, had really looked forward to see her, but I went anyway. Said hi to the staff in church on my way to the beach. nice to see them!!! Then I just laid on the beach; wrote a letter(yes Hellen, it's to you:)), slept some and so. The water was pretty warm, really nice- didn't wanna get out of it.. :)

In the afternoon my friend Linnea joined me :) awesome!! we just laied there talking, went swimming and ate strawberries!! yuuum!! :) after a few hours we went home and had something to eat and took a shower and relaxed.. Then we went to the movies with two others. Wasn't yesterday I went to the movies so it was really nice to get out some!! We saw Stephen King's "The mist". It was really good!!! wasn't as scary, creepy & disguisting as I thought it should be, or maybe it's just me that has grown up :) didn't like the end though, but I can warmly recomend it!! My friend that has read the book said the the movie followed the book and the creatures were like he had imagined them to be from descriptions in the book..

It was a really nice day :) have been home and getting some things done otherwise this week so it was nice to do nothing! Today I'm gonna relax and then go to church. First there's dinner and then it's worship & prayer for Sweden with Bengt Johansson. Will be awesome I think!!

have a good day and remeber to celebrate Sweden :)

tisdag, juni 03, 2008

Hot hot hot...

My God, such weather we have, it's just awesome!!! The sun is shining and it's warm.. and the water in lakes is warming up :) but I have to admit that it's to warm in the sometimes.. theese past days has been really warm..

It's just come to me that it's about 1,5 weeks since I last wrote.. have been pretty good weeks! Filled with fun stuff.. :) Last week I worked as usual, didn't do anyhting special I think after work. Meet with a friend for ice-cream one day. But otherwise I were just home relaxing..
This past Friday my friend Linnea graduated so after work I went to congrat her and attend her graduationparty.. it's really nice!! :) after that Alexandra and I went and had ice-cream and then we went home. Nice with a calm and relaxing end of the day/work week and well needed with an early evening..

On Saturday Sara and I went to the ocean :) soooo nice!! awesome just to lay there and talk, read and eat. We also went into the water!! wasn't that cold actually!! In the evening we went to Liseberg with Alexandra and Maria. Had a blast =) we're just walking around, playing on the wheels and so.. and we played on theese machines where you can win small stuffed animals. We played it so many times, over and over again and I think we all went home with 7-8 "animals" each.. we were likes small kids but we had such a good time :)

Sunday my prayinggroup were responsible for the service in church. It all went okay and smoothly. Came out really good! God were there and moved and touched people.. Lars tuition were just awesome! Felt charged, at peace and refilled afterwards...

I don't know if I had "told" you but my arm/sholder has been bothering me some lately, especially at work. And theese past week it has just gotten worse so yesterday I called the doctor and believe or not- I got an appointment the same day! He said I have an inflammation beneath my sholder where muscles meet.. so he gave me some medication for the inflammation and told me to stay home from work this week. And I'm not the one who says: "noo, I wanna work!", so I didn't complain and had no troubles calling my boss :)
In the evening we had the last prayinggroup before the summer.. we ate, played and then we had cake and then we prayed for eachother.. awesome evening!! fun & relaxed.. loove my prayinggroup so much!! miss them already :( But I will see some of them in church and so before I go to the states :)

Today I went to Vårgårda to visit an ald lady that is a friend of my family. She turned 85 this past Sunday so mum thought I should visit.. I haven't seen her in for many years so she's really stunned and surprised by my visit but enjoyed it and thought it was so much fun!! And so though I, it was sooo good to see her!! just awesome!! Feels good to make someone so happy!!

well.. that's was my last 1,5 weeks.. and now I'm gonna enjoy my week off. Just relax, meet some friends and enjoy the sun :)

Just 16 days and then I'm off the big country in the west... can't wait!!! :)