fredag, oktober 10, 2008


And so it's weekend it again.. unbelieavable how fast the weeks passes by!
Thought I was gonna work today but there were only 4 kids today so I got to spend the day off, and I'm soo enjoying it! Nice to sleep in and to wake up in your own paste and have coffee while you watch TV, walking around doing things that need to be done. I have gone through my wardrobe, watered my flowers and taken away dead leaves from them and now I'm soon gonna sort through some papers that has piled up. bu the best part is just to be able to sleep & relax.. need it so badly!! Amazing how tired you can get after 3 days of work.. just incredible. I really love kids & enjoy working at daycares but I don't think I wanna work at a daycare when I'm done with my education/later on in life.. wanna work with kids but to take care of 9-15(20 at some places) kids 5 days/week is just to exhausting. I really admire the ones that do that!! Think I wana work in church with young kids there or at a hospital at the "playtherapy" and help sick kids handle & understand what they go through & experience..

My friend Julia came by the other day and spent the night. It was nice to see her! We had a good time looking at pictures from kindergarden, early school years and so.. it's awesome to be nostalgic and remember old classmates and Delsbo memories :) also found an old pic from sundayschool in church.. oh my God, you should see it :) think I'm gonna post it on facebook as fast as I have scanned it. So Kristina & Katarina keep your eyes open :)

Have a great weekend my loves..

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