lördag, augusti 30, 2008

Last days in the US..

Saturday.. 1,5 day until I leave the states and head back to Sweden.. feels so wierd and I'll miss the Stewarts. They are so sweat and such a lovley family. But I'm looking forward to see my family and friends. Talked with sister-in-law in Alingsas the other day, so awesome!! Can't wait to see her and the kids, and of course my brother- but he will be in Germnay, I think it was, when I get back. The youngest niece, the one I'm godmother to, is crawling now :) she'll soon turn one, can't belive it. Feels like just a few weeks ago since we had the baptism. But it's more then half a year..

Had some awesome chats on msn some days ago with two friends. So nice and it made my days!! :) and I think it gave me some direction for the future! After I decided not to study this fall I still felt like I should study more psycholoy and after a day or so I just felt like I should focus on child & youth psychology and work with kids. Which I have been thinking on before because it's really interesting and I love kids and wanna understand & help kids, but now I felt it stronger and it felt so right.
The day after that I talked to my dear friend Hellen and she asked me about the fall & studies and so. And as everyone else she thought I should be a teacher because I love kids and are good with kids. I have always rejected beeing a teacher even though I love kids, but now I felt like: "hmm,maybe a pree-schhol/kindergarten teacher with knowledge in psychology & development psychology would be something. Felt kind of right. Maybe I could complemnet with something else too..
And the day after I talked with my friend Kristina and we got into the same talk and she too thought I should maybe be a teacher and work with younger kids & study some more psychology. So two people that don't know eachother are just confirming my thoughts and feelings just a few days after they came to mee. It's pretty cool, but that's the way God and things work.. :)
I'm still not quite sure but I'll let it settle, pray about it and apply to the School and we'll see what happens in December when I get to know if I get accepted.. happy about that Hellen?? ;)

It has been a good week. We have been at home relaxing and hangingout a lot but on Wednesday I took the kids to DC :) it's awesome!!! so nice to see all the sights and my beloved city. I like DC a lot. The kids got tired in the end, but they were really good the whole time and enjoyed it. We saw the usual sights: the White House, the monument, the reflection pool & Lincoln memorial, The Vietnam war memorial, the Korea war memorial.. and we saw the Capital Hill from a distance- the kids were to tired to walk over there. It was cloudy and not to hot so it was the perfect day to go. 'Cause you don't wanna be in DC when it's hot. Done that and it's noot fun..

Hm,should go out and get the last stuff I wanna buy before I leave and continue packing. Both Macie & Vera is comming home today and I wanna be able to spend as much time as possible with them before I leave 'cause I haven't seen them for a week..

So,take care and have a great weekend..

måndag, augusti 25, 2008

New week..

A weeks has past.. has been a good one.
Took the kids out for lunch one day and in the afternoon the kids were actually outside for hours, I was in chock.. the made a slip & slide in the backyard and had lots of fun!! :)
The day after Macie wanted to go the mall to meet with her boyfriend so we did. We walked around some, had ice-cream, did a little shopping.. we had a good time!! after that we went home and the kids made a slip & slide again.. they wanted to show Macie's boyfriend.

Vera had the Friday off sa we decided to take the kids on a trip. We went to Mt Vernon. The place where George Washington(americas first president) lived. It was hot and sweaty but we had an awesome time & the kids really enjoyed it. It was a beutiful place, beutiful houses and nice sourroundings. You would have liked it Hellen, to bad we never went there.. or did you go with the Moores??

Yesterday Vera & I took the kids to Luckets Fair, a fair in Luckets, about 8 miles north of Leesburg. It was hot but nice & we had a really good time walking around looking at stuff, eating funnel cake, drinking lemoande & the kids played at the playground & tried a few activities. The bad thing about the fair is that almost everything you could do (wall climbing, horseback riding for example) cost money, and you still had to pay a entrance fee. Just wierd, I mean, they didn't have any rides or anything. Well, nothing to do about. We had a great time anyway :)
Then we had yummie supper with desert when we got home.. then it was the usual movie & popcorn night. Even thoug we didn't have popcorn 'cause we were still full from the supper & desert..

I have decided not to study this fall as I planned. I got accepted to one program and to one shorter class but I wasn't really sure about eather of them- how I would use it later on and I'm not sure how I'm gonna work, or with what. So I decided to say no to the schools and I'm just gonna work extra at daycares, in church and so. I think I'll get to work alot so I can live, shoudn't be any problems.. hopefully :)

I know God will show me, when the time is right, where he wants me and how he wants to use me but it gets kind of frustrating not to know and not to have a goal to "fight" for & strive against. I guess I'll just have to have patience &b wait.. but I'm gonna enjoy my fall anyways and work and visit family & friends.. maybe I can save some money and go for vacation somewhere. Would be nice :)

6 days left here in the US.. feels so wierd and surreal that my time for this time is over and it's time to leave. Gonna miss them so much, but I'm really looking forward to see all my friends at home, to live in my apartment with my stuff and so.. and to see my family :)

take care! miss ya all!

tisdag, augusti 19, 2008

Jonas brothers...

Me, some more grown ups but mostly thousands and thousands of screaming teenagegirls.. that was my evenig last night.. I took Molly & Macie to their first concert, a concert with the Jonas brothers. This "boyband" kind of that is really popular with girls. They stared in a movie called Camp Rock(that had premier this summer) for one example.. anyways..
We had lawnsits so we brought a blanket, some snacks and our cameras and went.. we had lots of fun :) Molly was jumping and screaming the whole time- she really enjoy it, she loooves the Jonas brothers :) she will probably not be able to talk today... Macie was standing by Molly taking pics & just listening to the music, she had fun too but she doesn't show it the same way. I stood by them most of the time, sat on the blanket sometimes. I knew some songs but not so many, but it's fun to be there and to see the girls so excited and into it!! but my god teenage girls can scream and be loud.. wow.. they scream for nothing but at least they all seemed to have fun :)
Came home a little after midnight so the girls are sleeping in today, but I felt I had to get up. Didn't want to leave Scotty awake by himself to long. He's okay with it & pretty used to be awake for a while by himself before the rest gets up, but I didn't want to leave him to long. So I'm a little tired but right now pretty okay after two cups of coffee :)

On Sunday Vera, the kids & me did some "sightseeing".. we went to a historical park or what ever you can call it that just a few miles away from their home. It's call Balls Bluff battelfield park or something.. a civil war fight took place there if I got it right.. there's a really small cemetary and otherwise is just some trails you can walk around on by the Potomac River and some overlooks over the river. Really beutiful and nice! we all had a good time, but it's a little hot, good things it was shaded :) we never knew of that park & old cemetary even though we live so close until Scott told Vera about it earlier on Sunday.. wierd that you can miss something that close, but it's probably to close..

A little less then 2 weeks left here in the U.S.. feels sureal that my time here for now is over. Time flies by so fast.. I'll miss the Stewarts and the U.S. I like it here and really feel at home.. but I can't wait to see my family & friends.. :)
ooh I just thought of it, haven't been to DC yet.. need to find a time to go there before I leave. Maybe this weekend or next week with the kids. Not fun to go by yourself, maybe the kids would like to go.. well well..

Time for a snack..
take care..

tisdag, augusti 12, 2008

Update.. :)

Here I'm again.. I'm alive :) sorry that I haven't updated in a while but I haven't had the inspiration or energy/time to it... the time flies by so fast..

Have had good weeks. The sun has kept on shining and it's still hot outside, even though it cooled of a little theese past days. And by little I mean little..
I have been driving the kids back and forth to their activities/summerjob.. between that I have tried to go to the pool a few times with the kids I had at home. Have been out for lunch a few times, went to a indoor pool one day.. otherwise we are hanging out at home watching tv, playing the wii- still a favourite for me, and now I'm soon a pro at boxing too.. :) I'm already one in bowling.. Scotty started talking about rollercoasters again and he has a game on the computer where you can build rollercosters and amusmentparks and he plays it a lot!! Macie and Molly plays it too sometimes..

Have done some shopping with Vera & the kids now & then, some groccery shopping with Scott.. Me, Vera & the girls also went to 1st night downtown Leesburg one Friday. They have that the 1st Friday of every month and the small shops/boutiqs are open longer.. really nice!! Ooh, forgot.. I took the kids to Great Falls national park one day. It was awesome! It's so beutiful out there!! we all enjoyed it.. getting out in the nature, walking around looking at stuff.. :)
Today the girls went to a movie after lunch so Vera, SCotty and I went hiking on a trail that passes Leesburg and goes to Alexandria, and passed that I think.. anyways, we had good time. Walking, looking at trees, picking flowers and just enjoying beeing outside!

Don't think theer's anything special going on this comming week.. just Macie working.And tae kwon do as usual.. Hopefully we will make it to the pool some day.. would be nice :)
take care..