onsdag, september 10, 2008


It has been a rainy and grey Wednesday here in the Gothenburg area :( Makes you kind of slow and sleepy. I'm tired but I don't know why.. maybe because I worked yesterday?? maybe it's because of the rain & greyness.. or maybe it's just one of those days.. who knows :)

The prayinggroup was nice!! awesome to see them and to pray and worship with them again!! Lots of new people so now we're to many to be one group so we have to split :( it's sad that we have to split, but of course a fun & plesaurable dilemma that we have grown!!

Yesterday I got to work with the kids at the daycare I worked last year!! :) it was awesome to see the kids and work, but exhausting ! At the division I worked at yesterday all the kids are under 4, so it's a handfull there, I tell ya. But it's so much fun :) got a ride home with my friend which was nice after a day of work..

Today turned out to be a good day despite the rain and greyness. In the morning I was just home watching tv, went to the groccery store and so. After lunch I had to get out and get some air so I took a walk to church to fix some things. Susanne was there so I talked some with her and then I sat down and read some news papers. Then Maria came back from doing arrends or something, so I talked with her and hung out while she had a snack and then the new socialworker in church came and a little later one of the priests, so we got stuck eating/having coffee longer then we thought because we're talking, but none of us complained :) I stayed in church for a few more hours and then it was time to go and help Karin shop the food for the alpha course that starts tomorrow. We are responsible for the cooking, we're gonna make tacos :) looking forward to it..

Well well.. Think I'm gonna watch some tv..

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