måndag, september 22, 2008

Awesome days..

I'm back at home in my sofa :) feels good after some busy days.. I'm tired but feeling great! feel recharged, uplifted, energetic. Have had really good days!!! I'm to tired to tell you eveything now but wanted to give you a short recap.. It has been days filled with dance, people, uplifting services with strong precense and joy, prayer, indoor-bandy, eating at Mc Donalds, working and a awesome, uplifting, sothing, jofyll evening with my prayinggroup!! :)

As you can tell it has been busy days but they have been just so great!!
No I need to go to bed because I have to get up and work tomorrow. Looking forward to it. It's nice and feels good to have somthing to do!! and in the evening I'm gonna work in church.. :) had made plans to meet with a friend but when I made those plans I had forgotten that I had promised to work in church, so I had to cancel the plans with my friends. But we'll take it next week instead.. looking forward to that, haven't seen her in a long time!!

well.. good night everybody..

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