måndag, september 08, 2008


So, a new week is here.. the days passes by fast..

Had a very calm and relaxing weekend. On Saturday I mostly was at home, taking it easy, watching the morning show on tv, listening to the radio and so.. then I went to the gym and did some workout and after that I had some late lunch/early supper and the rest of the day was spent at home in front of the TV and at the computer talking to some people on msn.. realy relaxed and just nice..

Yesterday started out as calm as Saturday and then I went to Sams' goodbye party in the afternoon. Met lots of people from church and a classmate from my bibleclass I havn't seen in a long time. It's really nice!! but it's sad that Sam is leaving :(
Then most of us went to church. It was a good service! It was so good to be back and see everyone and worship with them again!! Some of my friends were responsible for the service and the coffee/tea & sandwishes afterwards so I stayed and talked with people and waited for them. When they were done and Maria could lock up and close the church and get of work(she's the janitor) she was hungry so we decided to go the "the golden arches" (certain fastfood rest) and get something & hang out. Me and some others were gonna have ice-cream (surprise huh Scott?:)) 'cause we're still pretty full but the ice-cream machine was out of order :( so we had milkshakes instead. Not what we wanted but it was ok and yummie anyways :) so we sat there chating for a while- just relaxed and had a good time..

Today I have just been at home relaxing, trying to get some things done. I wrote in my diary, listened to some music, practised some dance. Have decided to start the worshipdancegroup again so I need to go through some dances so I know them when we start next week. It was really awesome to dance again! =) Then I took a walk and now I just had a late lunch.. gonna try to make some phonecalls now and then get ready for the prayinggroup :) can't wait to see everyone!

Have a great one..

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