onsdag, november 05, 2008

Days of love & joy..

Have had good days since I last wrote. They have been filled with love, friends, happy moments, encourachment!! I feel so blessed!
On Friday Tomas helped me to fix my bike and after that I walked by Alexandra's house to say hi and it so happend that I got invited for lunch :) so nice to have someone to enjoy your meal with and have some company! In the evening I went to Alingsås to look at "lights in Alingsås" with my prayinggroup. Really nice evening! we walked around looking at the lights and arrangements and sat down at a cosy café to eat.

On Saturday I visited a friend downtown Gothenburg. We talked, ate together and she gave me a massage :) sooo nice! In the evening Alexandra, Jonas and I went to the movies and saw a swedish movie called "Rallybrudar". It turned out to be a good pick, we all liked it! After the movies we sat down at a café(Tintin) and talked for hours.. relaxed and nice!

On Sunday my prayinggroup were responsible for the mass in our church. It all worked out well and it was a blessed mass! Afterwards it was time for floorball which was really fun and after that Sara wanted to go Tintin and get something to eat so Maria, Alexandra, Sara and I went there. Girltalk, I tell ya :)

Yesterday I worked 3 hours where I worked last year and then I went to IKEA with Sara in the afternoon. Found a rug for my hallway, it looks really nice, so satisfied!
In the evening I had boardmeeting in church. Lots of laugher and goofing around because we all were tired but it was great to laugh together and we got through all the things we had to go through without problems!

Today I worked again, this time where I worked some weeks about a month ago. Wasn't in the mood at all to work, but it turned out to be a good day anyways. First one of the mums tells me she miss me there. Felt so good to hear that they liked me and that I made an impression! Sometimes I felt like I didn't contribute with anything at all. And then the kids- they are just the sweatest- so cuddly, funny and charming. I'm so glad they remember me..

Todays supper was eaten at Max(fastfood restaurant) at the mall with Alexandra and then we just strolled and looked in some stores. I think we both needed to get some light, even though it was artificial, and see some people and not just sit at home by ourselfs..

and I'm so happy Obamha won the election in the US!! I was pretty sertain he would win but you can never be totally sure until it's over. Ayways, I think america's people made the right decision!

Now it's time for Grey's antomy :) so I'm done blogging for now..

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