söndag, juli 15, 2007

aunt again..

I'm an aunt again :) my oldest brother and his fiance became parents last night(night between Thursday-Friday). It was two small boys- Olov and Harry. Just talked with my brother on the phone. They are all doing just fine.. can't wait to see the babies in real life :)

Have had a good weekend so far. Went to Alexndra's place on Friday night to hang out with her and the others in our "gang".. we had ice-cream, candy and just hung out & talked. Really soft but nice. Yesterday morning I just took it easy at home, surfing around on the internet, watching tv and so. Then I took a tour on my bike just to get out and do something. Went to say hi to a friend, we watched "america´s funniest homevidoes" and talked. Then I went home to have something to eat and change my clothes. In the evening I went to Alexandra's place to watch "Pirates of the caribbean- dead mans chest" with her and the others. We hadn't seen it yet and we want to see the third one so we thought we gotta see this one first :) it's good, I liked it. Johnny Depp is sooo good in it! Can't wait to see the third one, that's on the theaters now.. Afterwards we watched the first "Pirates", it was a long time for us all since we saw it so we waned to refresh our memory.. it was a really nice and fun evening!! but I wasn't in bed until 2.. but who cares when you can sleep the day after :)

Today I'm just gonne relax, maybe go to Alexandra´s place and keep her company and then it's church in the evening.. have a good day!!

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Så skoj att de fått barn nu! :) Lär dröja innan jag hinner se dem men du får väl knäppa kort på dem om du åker dit :) Kram Kram

Anonym sa...

Grattis faster! Vilka gulliga namn!! Harry är ju lovely!
Kul att ni var i Lichöping! Synd att vi inte hann ses! Men snart får vi ses i göteborg. Ta hand om dig! Kramar