fredag, oktober 19, 2007

weekend again..

So, another week has past by.. haven't hardly had the timeto react.. time flies by so fast.. have been a pretty good week altough I have been thinking a lot but have felt some peace and I haven't been so tired.. which is nice!!
Went shopping at Ullared(gekås) with Alexandra and Susanne on Monday. Really nice day!! found some nice clothes, schampo and oither stuff for me and christmasgifts for some of nieces/nephews.. pleased with the day :)

On Tuesday I worked as usual but I had to take a break in the cleaning and help out with the kids for 4 hours.. awesome!!! they are so cute!! were tired afterwards but it was fun! after that I had some arrends to do so I had to hurry and were stressed but got in time to church to eat and calm down before the dance. We had fun and it gave strength! went home exhauseted but satisfied..

On wednesday I went to Alingsås after work to visit my brother and his family.. (see some pics in my previous post). It was awesome to see them and the new baby.. Märta. She´s just so cute and the clamest babie ever.. she was awake for some hours and hardly did any noice. Maja and Anma are so proud and happy :) had a really nice time there.. took some autm pics of nice colored tress and enjoyed the nice weather and beutiful soroundings at Hjälmared!! Sofia made a yummie yummie dinner!! meat, redwine sause, owen roasted vegtebles and potatoes au gratin(potatisgratäng).. sooo goood!! It was good for my soul to get away some and just relax and hang out somewhere else!!

yesterday Sara and I cooked for the alpha course in church.. made pasta and pastasauce. had fun!! and it was nice to talk with sara and see her. And my co-worker Maria came by :)

Now I'm doing some laundry and then I'm going to work.. and then I'm going straight to Gothenburg to catch the train home to Delsbo!!! :) will be awesome to see everyone at home!!

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Hey there, girl! How are things in your part of the world? ;-)
Are you already back from Delsbo? I've mailed a letter to you today - that was pretty fast, wasn't it?!? *proud* Haha.