onsdag, april 16, 2008


I feel awesome and are enjoying the incredible weather!!! :)
have been awesome days since I last wrote.. On my way home from work on Friday I went by Alexandra´s place. Sat down in her sofa and there I got stuck for the rest of the evening.. we were both very tired but it was so nice to just sit and relax together!!!

On Saturday it was "my church´s" annual district meeting at Hjälmared. It was a good meeting, so nice to see Hjälmared again and the people I know there!! especialy the ones in the kitchen.. :) After the meeting I followed my sister-in-law to a small church where she had a seminar.. I babysat Märta, my niece.. she slept most of the time so it was easy :) stayed at Erik & Sofias place over night and hung out there on Sunday. Watched handboll and took a short walk with Maja & Anna and Sofia. Erik worked. It was awesome just to be there, have someone to eat breakfast & dinner with.. love that place.. so beutiful and relaxing!!
Then I went to church.. good mass. And it was awesome to dance again!!! :) me and three more danced the blessing.. =) instead of taking coffee and sandwish at church after the mass me, Alexandra and some more friends went to Sara´s place and had pizza(yuum!!) and just hung out.. nice!!

Monday and yesterday I worked with the kids the whole days!!! sooo much fun!! had to go straight from work to prayinggroup on Monday so yesterday I just wanted to get home after work. Felt like I hadn't seen my apartment for some days except when I have been sleeping.. so nice to be home and do some dishes and and just be :)

well.. time for breakfast and get ready for work.. gonna work with the kids today too.. :)

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