onsdag, september 26, 2007


so, it's wednesday.. the middle of the week.. time passes by so fast!
Had a really calm and relaxing weekend.. on Saturday I were just home reading and listening to the radio. soo nice!! I also took a walk in the sun.. really nice day, exactly what I needed. Alexandra came by in the evening. We watched tv and talked.. and had chocolatecake with whipped cream.. yuum :) we had a really nice time..

Sunday too were spent at home reading and with a walk.. then I took the bike church..
we had such nice weather this weekend so I took the chace to enjoy it as much as I could :) thought I were going to be really sick when I relaxed and took it easy but luckily I got better and my cough disapeared and my throught had gotten better and better this past days and my voice is back. Feels good!!

Worked on Monday as usual.. when I arrived to work I saw that I had recieved an sms(textmessage) on my way there. Got kind of surprised. Who sends on sms at 5am?? it was a really nice surprise, it was from one of my brothers :) He wrote: "beep beep. Good morning. Have a good day". Made me smile.. he drives a truck sometimes and obviously he drove to Gothenburg this time and drove past my house :) I live right by the highway..

Had an meeting yesterday evening so I hung out in church after work- rested, made some phonecalls and so.. nice, but I were sooo tired, but couldn't skip the meeting. Had responsibility for the refreshments, and I wanted to go the meeting so. I love all the things I'm involved in but sometimes it gets just to much.. need to sort out some of them and clear my schedule so I have time be home and relax, but all the things I do are fun, that's the problem..

Today I got my paycheck!!:) and tomorrow I'll finally get money from the state for the summer. About time!! a biiig burden lifted from my shoulders. Went shopping in Gothenburg today :) Needed to by some stuff really badly. Started out with lunch at "the golden arches"(a surtain fastfood reataurant) and then I strolled around; bought jeans, underwear, t-shirts/tops, got some pictures developed and mailed a package to my brother with some gifts for the twins.. I called a friend that I haven't seen for a long time and asked if she could meet with me and she could :) so we took a "fika" at a café and talked. relly nice!!
It was really nice just to stroll, look around and so.. long time ago..

Got a little worried when I got home though.. first I meet a guy that lives in the door nextdoor comming out from his outerdoor talking on the phone. Nothing strange with that, but when I entered the code to my outerdoor it wouldn't work and I saw that he couldn't get back in through his door. I had my keys so I could get in but he hadn't brought his keys so I went to open his outerdoor for him. When I walked in my door the lights in the stairways wouldn't work and when I came into my apartment the lights didn't work, and the fridge and frezzer were of.. =we had lost the power :( don't think it had been gone for long 'cause the fridge & frezzer were still cold but I got kind of worried and tried to call the energy/electricitycompany but couldn't come forward.. and shortly after that the power came back! luckily..

and now I'm sitting infront of the computer.. and Grey's anatomy starts.. So I gotta go :)
over and out...

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